A little teaser from our track day at AIS, 56k should jump off a bridge

nice. i also say we hit up that road off of 17 on the way back. not as tight but it’s still fun to rip up and down.

Benny, can i come as ur passenger for the ride?

My passenger seat’s already filled broski

CRAP. anyone got room? I dont think I can take my body roll queen and hold the same speed in corners as u guys

if my girl doesn’t come your welcome to ride shotgun in my car.

or you can ride with mike in his rolla.

Gonna be a busy day for me:

Going to LRP at 5am, and touge at night :excited

Actually if pretty much anyone feels like waking up at w/e time you’d have to wake up at to be in Clifton Park at 4:45am lemme know!

deal! lmk when ur heading out and from where:excited


lime rock


next time u guys gather up ya’all should let me know, im down, and the 240 runs and drives now so…

Here’s your invite:

sign up for LVD… please?

sign up for LVD sir

what he said

I can’t wait to kick your ass in Forza.

open diff :Idiots

Why does everyone think you can’t slide with an open diff?

you can its just a pain in the balls