A music video for a real tight song, that involves cars.

the video for this is awesome. i rarely laugh out loud at stupid shit but when the one dude speaks (i wont spoil it) i fucking LOLd.

Ed Banger crew > *

…about time the french did something right.


lol, i cant believe i just watched all that

yeah it’s stupid long. i enjoyed it a lot though.


I start every morning the same way.


ummm yeaaaa… no

silly honda drivers

Huh? Looked useless and uneventfull to me…

man, some of y’all need a fuckin rock to hit you in the head to get anything going. no wonder this fuckin city is the way it is.

That was unbelieveably lame. I would need to be hit in the head with a rock to appreciate it

at first i hated it. but the more i watched it. the more i liked it.


lol, i cant believe i just watched all that





at first i hated it. but the more i watched it. the more i liked it.


+1. weird and the cars were not very sweet but i think i like it

its plain… very plain

why do i like this so much.

wtf. it’s not as horrible as the first time

don, sounds like you could def incorporate that song into a siqqq mix.

thing is about the song, daft punk doesn’t really do remixes, this is the first remix they’ve done in like 5-6 years. the beat is chilling to me… so dope yet simple.

the video i thought was creative because i know they diy everything, and the way they killed that shit was a perfect balance of humorous yet still cold.

it’s not a pop tune by any means, and is far from it. maybe this video will appeal more to most because it’s nothing to really read into, just entertaining.