A nice program to draw in

Do you guys know of some nice programs I could use to draw in? I’ve got a Wacom tablet. I am using photoshop right now, but Ive got no idea what the hell im doing. Id like one that emulates paint for the most part. I havent drawn anything in a long time and i’d like to pick it back up, but i dont feel like unpacking all my paint and brushes and a canvas. plus, i kinda dont wana make another mess like last time. h


Photoshop or Illustrator

Photoshop - you can do some crazy shit in there but you gotta be pro
Corel Painter - like photoshop, but imitates traditional media like oil paint, pastel pencils, watercolor, whatever
OpenCanvas - a free app simialr to photoshop but much less powerful and more straighforward (read -easier for a noob to use)
Most use either Painter or Photoshop, or both, the rest is a bunch of obscure stuff that not many people know about for a reason.

im going to try OC. ive got no idea what im doing too LOL. heres what i made in photochop so far in a few hours time

very cool, why don’t you just stick with photoshop?

well, i have no idea what im doing in either one LOL. ill keep tryin to figure shit out as i go along. maybe get a book or somethin