image editing...

well i have photoshop, psp, and of course the best one of all MSPAINT!! but i was wondering if anyone has a copy of corel draw? im alright with photoshop/psp but learned corel draw in school and alot better with that but do not have a copy.

does anyone have a copy of it?

please don’t clutter then member section. this should be at general chat

dont mean to clutter. but why should this be in the general section?. i wasnt asking everyone just wanted to see if any members has a copy first.
isnt this like a general chat too?> but just for members?

lmao thats what this sections for lol its fine relax :smiley:

i dont think ive ever heard of coral draw :S lol try downloading it on torrent or whatever… or go try might have it there…

ive searched for it many many times and cant find a copy. i found a copy that worked perfect like 6 years ago but thats long gone now.
havnt tried any torrent sites tho. never really got into useing those type of sites.
and has a trial version (i believe) i want the full version… oh well loooks like im going have to try to learn psp/photoshop better.