A poll On whose the bigger "shift518" Dewshbag

Whose the bigger Duesh? this thread sparked my interest in a Poll…


Rustyjones Or SSmokinn.

Based on this forum, and in person.

You because you spelled douchebag wrong.

I did it on purpose…

i voted for you just because i don’t know you in person lol.

If I vote for the other guy, can I get POPURTOP action? No males.

you cant vote for your self/against rusty, thats weak

Pretty shitty I was left out of this poll, so I voted for the OP.

You for making this fucking thread.

Poll needs about 10 additions or so in order to be fair.

You are because of your weak attempt at retalliation.

Tough choice…both douches

“Who’s a douchebag, me or the other guy?”


if i lock this thread does that make me a bigger dewwwsh bag?

I had to in order to see the pole!~

POLL. in order to see the poll, you had to vote.

No, I think he spelled it right, he likes to see the POLE! :lol

pole :


Nah, I get the impression he like the male pole.

L O L @ poll change :ninja

recent polls show “travis krotch” is a bigger “dewshbag”