observation of the ricer thread- or weekly douchedom power rankings.

i finally had some time to do some reading. here is what i came up w/. Maybe this can turn into a weekly or monthly thing. kinda like how espn does the football power rankings. well, pittspeed can have the douche-dom rankings…

Without further ado, here is my observation of the ricer thread- or weekly douche-dom power rankings.

sloshelby-- started a lot of shit over nothing. i see a million worse cars than this on 79/70/51/65 on a daily basis. i don’t run home and write about it. granted, car looks like hell to most. yet the owner himself never denied it.

the camo civic dude-- took the abuse pretty well in his noob intro as well as people hating on him. i see he has 4 posts. run on sentences aside–he seemed pretty straight forward. never denied having a somewhat ghetto car–actually was honest about it and said he was in the process of fixing shit. i can see time being an issue–if he is a boilermaker then he is likely to work 7-3:30. take into account traffic. So i can see where shit dont get done right away.

correct me if im wrong, but didnt someone come on here before wanting to beat the piss out of sloshelby for something similar as this? then to go as far as to myspace stalk–no one found this odd? fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me rings a bell…

jccaddy-- can’t read but can swing fists. oddly enough it all stemmed from me saying that caddys are built from imported jap steel. yet he couldn’t read and comprehend what i wrote. therefor, he started e-fighting. You would think owning a cmu education would mean better personal skills. Or has cmu’s degree fallen to lower standards than a 3c’s degree? Hell, people who have not graduated high school have formulated better responses. this here was the gem of the thread.

jp-er— back again. i give it a month or two before something stupid happens. seems to be a victim of wrong place at wrong time…

so rankings of king douche from the ricer thread.

sloshelby>jccaddy>jp-er>camo dude.

shelby is king douche due to starting the shit…
jc is 2nd in line due to being tommy guy.
jp is 3rd douche by default b/c he cut his exhaust

camo dude-- dont really think is a douche. i mean tastes in car mods aside, i didnt read anything that made him a douche.

discuss and vote

I chose “other” and I choose vw16cabby for starting this thread.


jper wins


no multiple choice FTL

Gotta go with Shelby for bringing the whole goatfuck here in the first place. Second place goes to starting a retaliatory thread instead of addressing the first one.

I really have to think about this, it is quite a hard decision. Would be great if I could just pick civic camo fag and shelby

Count me in for “Other,” which I will use to cover “all of the above.”

It made for some good reading, but in the end, the douchebags came out of the woodwork, from the depths of Overbrook (Camo Civic), the slums of ban-land (Jper), and the freak-lined streets of Oakland (jcscaddy).

what about camo civics boy?

JcsCaddy is the douche of the week

my thoughts as soon as i opened it up

sloshebly hands down


Caddy guy was head and shoulders above the rest.

caddy guy is definately douchebag of the week

2nd place is jper. His history on here puts him there.


Darkstar = Douchecanoe of the year.

All of the above including friends of so called camo boy/got pissed on.

I had the Regal, that was my buddy in the SRT-4. I actually brought the helmet for him to wear since he doesn’t have one and we expected him to go deep 13s.