A Ride w/ Colin McRae

Good god almighty, If i was that guy giving directions I would have shit myself about 20 times.

check it out crazy vid.


Thats livid.

Sweet !

awesome vid.


Wow. :eek:


Damn! I don’t know where rally drivers get the balls to stay pushing it that hard. Sideways around everybend haha.


One hell of a driver.

unreal, i would be sick in about .5 seconds if I had to read while he was driving!


wow! id kill for a ride with a proffessional rally driver!

looks like smort coming up our driveway.

that is one killer find. RIP Colin. IDK how in the hell the navigator and can read his course notes while shitting his pants at the same time.

It would really rock if they sold that version of the RS to the public…if they did sell one, it probably would be EDM only and castrated a lot. :frowning: The ST3 is not a terrible car, but it ain’t this.

Another one I had found…

