Colin McRae killed in helicopter crash!

Reports are saying that McRae was killed in a helicopter crash near his home yesterday (9/14). He was piloting the helicopter and there were 3 others with him including his 5 year old son.


Yeah it was confirmed that is fucking shitty as shitty can be.

RIP Colin

Helicopters need the same roll cage that his rally car had.


that fucking sucks :tdown:


wow :frowning: RIP

wow like a kick in the sack.

Holy shit, this is a huge loss

I could argue he was the most talented driver of any motorsport of all time.

fuckin hell … :frowning:


ugh…RIP the man who made me love a ford.

Damn :frowning:

Huge loss just like everyone else said…

wow :frowning:

if i ever were famous, i don’t think i’d pilot anything myself, they seem to crash a lot :tdown:

Helicopter and private plane crashes seem to kill more race drivers than actual racing incidents.


rick----glad u made a post about this. i just found out and was gonna post something on it.
colin was a legend. a true enthusiast. its a damn shame he will no longer be with us.

everyone should pour out some liquor for him 2nt.

RIP colin. you will be missed greatly.

fucking sucks

Lame :tdown:

Damn :cry: A true legend.

That’s horrible, certainly one of my racing heroes.

After a trip to the store Si01 and myself give Colin a proper salute.

Sorry about the shitty cell phone pics

And this is how I will always remember him:

wow, RIP.