A thing my dad made that he wants to sell.

well that’s quite the invention.

i would use it to hang clothes on when i take a shower so i don’t have to iron.

I wouldnt say that. They build 40-50k race cars for a living so i wouldnt mind buildin that for shits and giggles.

I think it’s pretty damn cool, just looks a little out of place at a house bathroom. Would go perfect at ANY shop bathroom though. Doesn’t mix with nice wood-paneling, etc…Open up the side bars a touch and put 2 window nets on the side, maybe some rollbar padding, then get one of those “remove before flight” plugs for the tissue dispenser.

My dad wanted to make a prototype to see how it would look so they made on to fit my bathroom. They arent gunna keep it in there they just wanted to see what they needed to change to make it better. They are actually goin to put some roll bar padding on there. I will give the idea about the window nets and chute thing. My dad has an extra one from his camaro so we could use that for it. Btw its only tacked together. Not all the way around.

I agree… with some minor revisions it would go good in a shop/garage shitter

edit: also a must

I’m sure there are car guys out there with lots of money and a great enough lack of decorating taste to sell at least a few.

Target Consumer:
See thread about the Boxster Carrera GT wannabe.

They have a few more ideas that they are gunna build.

lmao, hell theyd sell down south where theres hurricanes and tornados

Moved to offtopic.

that rocks

I think he is trying to say its back far enough where if you did a “normal stand” from the toilet you won’t blast your head

Sell it as a sex swing, and then also empathize it’s practicality when it’s not in use for easy storage.

Or just incase the toilet breaks free you could sell a bowl mounting kit. And a and a 4-point harness for massive shit attacks.

Say there is an earthquate or a tornado and your on the shitter and the ceiling falls and walls collapse/ get ripped away , this will prevent any kind of real interruption from droppin a deuce. Tornado BAM hold on an keep on droppin the kids at the pool , earthquake, just sit and relax knowin that nothing will fall on ya. I like the idea

it looks worse now

that table is bad ass!!!


either to hang clothes…or for sex swing?

:gotme: i think it would be cool for a shop.

definitely not any house.

Thats what he was making it for. Not a house he just made it for our house just to fix any problems it has.

Very nice and creative