A thing my dad made that he wants to sell.

Well my dad and his fabricator that builds car chassis thuoght of an idea to make a cage that sits around ur toilet. Lol Well the finally made a prototype yesterday and he wants to sell some if anyones interested. It looks kinda like a dirt modified front end. Well here is a pic.


whats that for? incase your house flips over and your on the toliet?

just a suggestion but should you maybe add a 5 point harness as well.

for old fat people whos ass eats the toilet

still not seeing it. they already make a stand that goes around the toilet to get up.

thats rather strange but ebay it. Bet it will sell for a god amount of change

Dumb idea. It doesn’t look like anything and all it does is hold the TP well out of a comfortable reach and provide a steel pipe to hit your head on every time you stand up from taking a shit.

It was just an idea. They still have a few things to do to it.

dude…its a great idea.

lets say your sitting there dropping the kids off at the pool and BOOM your house flips over. you wont be sorry when that cage stops the house from crushing

actually it is nowhere near hittin ur head when u stand up and im a 6’4 and i can stand straight up.

This “idea” makes my head hurt. It serves no function and doesn’t look like anything.

the only issue i see is the TP is wai too high~

it can also be doubled as a sex swing :tspry:

the top of that is nowhere near 6 feet tall. it’s kind of cool, i guess,

I never said it is 6’ tall. I said i can stand up and not hit my head on it.

that shit needs a harness. I would rock that like a oh shit handle when I am dropping the kids off

put a cop lightbar on it and have it go off when somone takes a nasty dump

LOL great idea. i might have to steel a becon from work lol.

A 5 point harness would be nice for the curry shits after a night of Indian food.

Not a bad idea with all the blocks of ice crashing through homes.(in the mustang vid posted here).

Nothing would suck worse than dying while shitting.

do they smoke pot??? that would help explain alot…
