A video one of our close friends made


Gleason made this for the AMS video contest. I think its the best one submitted so far.

The video was of Mike lipani, Who is also one of our close friends.

Check it out and let me know what you think!


Well my computer sucks, and i could only get the first half of it loaded but from what i saw it looks good.

Not bad! I used to see that Evo parked on Park Ave. Too bad someone stole it.

not too shabby, and for the record, the rest of the submissions are fucking horrible videos.

Well done vid.

Sweet, can’t wait to see what the “replacement” car brings for '09


very nice, good work





pretty boring video if u ask me…

I wish gleason the best of luck with the contest.

I guess hes making a longer version with alot more street/ strip races, but the contest said the video had to be around 2 minutes.

As far as that Evo goes… O well. the vid makes me a little sad.

With the GT-R… AMS has all the grounds covered…

Good vid.

thats a sick video. Did they ever find out who stole the car? That sucks but then again he has a GTR now.

Very nice, I was sad to see that the Evo was stolen but then when the GTR popped up I felt much better haha, congrats to your friend for being able to replace such a beastly car with something even hotter

nice video, sucks about that evo…def. a nice replacement though

nice vid hope he wins, any word on that evo?

Quit asking about the evo. When one person asks and no one responds, 3 more people asking won’t add to it.

Drink some haterade today buddy?