NYSPEEDERS....Help a local guy!

The link below is several videos up for the AMS video contest. The 11th video was done by a member on here- Gleason. He used my car in his video and IMO was one of the best put together out of the other 12 or so that entered.

Please show your support for him! Even if you dont like me personally or whatever. I gain nothing if he wins. I think the quality of his vid far exceeds the rest.

Vote for Video 11


Appreciate your support!

Voted. Good luck

def like your vid the best, im surprised by the lack of votes. it definately has the best editing

+1 thought 11 was the best but somehow the video that is half in shitty slow motion is winning.

Man #5 has way more friends then you… I would have voted for 11 anyway. Its an awesome video. Well produced and awesome sound track.

Yeah man great vid, unfortunately I don’t see nyspeeders winning this for ya :frowning: those other vids have sooo many votes, wtf

better then the others I watched. #5 FUCKING SUCKED.
#5 has some seriously gay music. I feel like im in church.

What song is that in the 11th video of your car? i really enjoyed it and would like to find out the name so i can DL it. pm me or post up the name pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. =]

I feel like watching number 5 is like a funeral or church music of some sort.

voted 11.





Voted. That contest is so fixed though, lol. I watched number 5 just to hear the music, and yes it really does suck as bad as everyone says.


voted, its obviously a popularity contest though with the votes haha, they must have alot of friends online

Yeah Im sure the creators of the vids are doing the same thing I did…He didnt even know AMS started the competition…and then he called me and Im like wtf…your video is alot better then the shit that is winning.

Thanks for voting!

Voted. You’re buddy is behind by like ~500 though. :tdown:


voted, good luck