A Vw Shop In Pgh

anybody ever hear of ESE???

well I guess they have shop cars
they were @ pittsburgh thunder



no one gives a fuck about that bullshit… !!!

drop it.

they’re good guys.

they’re near my house, within a rock’s throw of the Neverclean Hotel.

not sailor and not habs :finger:
so u wont see me going there for advice on v-dubs

I watched the video at the shop today, fun stuff!

SMART MAN X100000000

ESE = GAY…i wouldnt trust a euro shop that didnt know what Borbet wheels are.

Take your car to Junior’s Waterworks, out on rt65 in Sewickley

junior…ROFL…the guy who puts brakes on backwards…ROFL… :down:

this is like a political debate :rolleyes:

Curt’s Auto Body

knows anything and everything about vw’s

Yeah, well, I had a conversation with Curt at one point a few years ago and he couldn’t understand why and intercooler wouldn’t work for a normally aspirated engine The bodywork was pretty good though and his wife is hot…it’s been a while, he may have progressed. I’ll give folks the benefit of the doubt. None of the places mentioned are supremely strong, but if you don’t turn your own wrenches :greddy2: , they have their place…

what about that shop in the strip district on penn ave. called German Auto Werks. Anyone have experience with them?

yea my buddy Ben had some suspension and tranny work done there on his A4. EVerything turned out well, and he said the pricing was fair. Good call

yeah, the shop looked pretty cool. when i drove by it looked like they were doing some full restorations on a couple of nice old porsches and a 21 window bus. there was a nicely done MKII golf sitting outside with shop decals too. I might take my car up there for inspection in December.

jr is a good personal friend of me and my family. his shop got flooded and im not sure how long before he will be totally operational again. all i know is we had a hell of a mess to clean up twice and the flood ruined a few really nice cars. just for the record id reccommend jr to anyone and 2ndly hes on big sewickley creek rd not rt 65