aaaaah ... those weird family moments during the holidays...

my perverted uncle Louie who hugs his great neice and says “i felt lumps” and tells me “I might be cheap but I’m not easy”

best part though was my cousin Aaron and I are talking and Gram comes through and goes “oh aaron hi how are you” and goes to give aaron a kiss while he was mid-sentence. Afterwards he’s like "whoa dude i almost made out with gramma

my cousin like accidentely brushed my boob when he was walking by and he was like … WOAH … WOAH … i wasn’t trying to cop a feel. i promise.


well my gf bought me 2 like rubber stress ball kinda things. buttt they were boobs and her words were “see hunny there just like mine” yea i opened the present in front of her parents.

My friends crazy loser uncle was telling my girlfriend a story about his loser friend who is a campus safety officer at ub, then in mid sentence goes to her “oh smile for me, you could be miss america”.

She looked at him with the most evil eye and walked away.

i’m quite confident, i have the most perverted family.

This year the general topic was juices flying in peoples face… whether it was salty or not… masturbation habits for the elderly, including frequency and method.

Then, my gay uncle arrives, and the conversation… plumets into a new low

my goal every year … is to shock and awe right off the bat. thank god no one heard about the Mr. hands video… so that was an easy one


on thanksgiving, my cousin showed my ENTIRE family

we all got a good laugh

my grandfather ALWAYS manages to bring up talk about his viagra while were eating(whats up with that).

i played dick in a box on my wii for my family(thought it was appropriate)

good times good times

pictures of both sets of boobs or i call BS

wow, my family is not the only fucked up one put there, my little cousins were making male and female genitalia out of play dough, stealing there parents booze, and my grandma fell asleep to a girls gone wild add, pretty funny

i can do but im not goin too


and why not?

im not ganna show my girls boobs sry, they r in my avatar tho. but i can do the fakes