I just really need to rant...

This probably wont make any sense, because i cant even make sense of it in my head but whatever…

Tell me im a cry baby if you want

Anyways story is:

Well up untill i was about 12 years old i my mother , brother and i were were very close with my Aunt (fathers sister) and 2 cousins. We were all such good friends. Well my uncle basically struck gold, got rich, they built a gorgeous house in clarence, buy their children ecerything and think the world revolves around money. That was when my little family got shut out. Ever since then around christmas time the “warmth and love” you are supposed to feel has widdled away to the point where last year we drove through that damn blizzard for an hour an half to get to Hamburg to spend christmas eve with my dads family (mind you they all only care about money and how much you have, and my parent makes enough to give us some of the things we want and to live comfortably) we were there for 30 minutes before my dad said it was bull shit lets leave. We were getting ignored, treated like strangers, well more like beggers in their house trying to collect change or something. It really hurt, and i could see how my father was trying to hide his pain because his family wantned nothing to do with him, for basically not doing anything wrong.

Fast forward to March.

My grandfather passed away, and it brought my family together like i hadnt seen in 9 years. It was like they actually cared about us and at one point i told my grandmother right after my grampa passed away without even realizing it “you dont love me.” It was something that needed to be saidm so maybe, JUST MAYBE someone would realize that something wasnt right. well things were good until about 2 days after the funeral.Then back to normal.

And nowm present day.

My father calls my grandmother about christmas, it old him words are key and to ask IOF we were invited christmas. Well he asked what my gramiother was doing for christmas and she said “going to xxxx’s house.” no invitation for us just merely letting us know where she will be. My mother woke me upthis morning to let us know we’d be sepnding chrismas alone this year and for some reason it brough massive amount of tears to my eyes, pounding around the house screaming what a bunch of shit head, and how id love to stage my death just to see if they would show up to my funeral, their money will run out sometime if they keep buying 19yearold girls land rover discoveries and paying $6000/yr car insurance bills because their daughters dont know how to drive a damn car…they just make me want to rip my hair out

I never thought being part of a family was so hard, and i see all these movies with such a strong famly bond that it just hit a part of me and i get so emotional. I basically feel like my christmas is ruined. My other grandmother is in california and if i could have afforded it i would have sent myself outhere, where i know someone cares about me…

maybe i’'d just being silly and stupid, but i thought christmas time was a special time…

Cliff notes: my family is a bunch of douche bags

i have a grandma that favors certain cousins and ignores me my sister and brother…and she forgets my Dads birthday when its the same day as my grandfathers was…this is all on my Dads side incase u get confused…i just learn to only deal with the people i know care and whole will actually not ignore me…its ok its all good

it is bullshit IMO. everybody is still family none the less. and what made me realize this even more was sat. night downtown when we saw ur cousin…yea…no need to go into detail, but you know what i’m talking about. It just seems like complete crap…makes me wonder what would happen if i actually had family here

just go egg and TP their house…i’m sure i can round up a lot of people from here :P…j/p

anyways…this has been going on way too long…you…your brother, and your parents are so much better off without them…basically tell them to :gtfo:

i think a lot of people have rich family members who just seem to be from other planets.

i don’t know. but that’s good of you to care enough to the degree that it bothers you, you sound like a good guy. hopefully there’s enough people in your family that recognize that, that’re worth spending your christmas with. i hope it works out.

That sucks, not that “sucks” even remotely begins to describe it. All you can do is hold tight to your immediate family and make sure they all know how much they mean to you. Just make sure you toast to dinner with “Here’s to those who wish us well and those who don’t can go to hell.” :tup:

:lol:…err…uh hum…or girl…:stuck_out_tongue:

god dammit


Be thankful for what you have (loving parents…), because it could be much worse…

Danielle…come see me, leave Skunk at home and I’ll make sure you have the best Christmas you have ever had!! :smiley:


your fam sounds fucked, i’d get a new one, or stop caring

That happens with the nuevo(sp) rich, people that aren’t used to having money turn into snobby jerks.

Money = The root of all evil

Their behavior would make Jesus sad on his birthday.:frowning:

Clarence seems to attrack the nuevo rich.

oh that’s nice…:slight_smile:

your so thoughtful sometimes…:lol:

Danielle, listen to him.

I was having problems like this around thanksgiving.

and Butch invited me into his house for the holiday. And boy did he give.

All i can say lately is… “family schmamily”

Butch is the man to go to if you want to feel special, if you want to give and receive, and most importantly…to feel the warmth. Just don’t expect a phone call later.

In all seriousness. I met your parents. They were AWESOME. Leading me to believe your uncle and aunt, are not.

How old are their daughters? I’m serious. PM me their names. I “know” a lot of Clarence gals.

its ok we all have our NYSPEED family


permaban them danielle.

family is a relitive term. im sorry that your uncles family is being retarted. love those around you and make it in the best. f them, they are losing out. fucking pompus losers. one word… karma. it will come back and get them… if you need me to call the irs let me know, i know a few peeps.

Wish bad things on them.

Tough situation no doubt. No matter how much anyone may try to tell you F em, they are still family and it still hurts. But the bottom line is you obviously care alot about those close to you, and you should be mindful of that and not too hard on yourself about the whole thing. Money has a way of corrupting people and ruining people’s perceptions of what really matters in life. Its something you cant control and it sucks.

Try not to focus on that stuff too much, it sounds like you have a good immediate fam and sssssssssuper bf :kiss: , so be thankful that you have those good people in your life. There are alot of people out there that are less fortunate then you and I. It’s all about trying to keep a positive outlook on it all, but I can see how it would be tough when theres other family members involved.

Or if all else fails, go see Butch LoL :smiley:

about what you were telling me about that tiffany & co thing.

il get tiffany & co tattoo’ed on my dick and give it to them.
