I just really need to rant...

basically…best advice EVER! :slight_smile:

you have so many great people in your life that care about you more than you can ever imagine. Those are the people that should really matter.

If They don’t give you the time of day…so do the same thing to them. I understand that it does hurt cause it’s family, but what they’re doing is wrong on so many different levels. Just look back on all the people that care about you and just think about all the good things they have done or will do for you no matter the situation. Those are the people, that no matter what, will always be there for you…those are the people that should be in your life

It could be a lot worse. you could be in my situation. i have a gay uncle and a gay aunt, on different sides of the family.

i’d rather have rich family, i dont talk to, than poor homosexuals I have to talk to.


i have a VERY similar situation, my dad’s only brother is a millionare, because his wife got killed in that bad trucking accident on the skyway like 13yrs ago where the rolls of steel came free and crushed two cars. he won a 10mil settlement, got remarried, owns a HUGE house on the top of a hill in holland with 18acres of land, has a friggen farm worthy tractor with the pull behine like 6x15" triple blade mowing thing for the lawn, a 400cc 4x4 quad to “run the dogs” a pond, a pool, a fishpond, a ginormous barn, and buys a new truck EVERY year. on my birthday i get a card with $10 in it 3weeks late after my dad calls him to remind him he forgot my birthday.

christmas time last year they wouldnt even eat the meal we preparred, they left after 45mins of opening presents because they “ummm, we should get going, we have to let the dogs out”

rich people suck :rant:

im totally in

That makes me glad I don’t have a large family. Just my mother, grandparents, uncle and myself. We all live in Lancaster and do the exact same thing every year.

Oh and no rich people.

does your family say retarded shit like “oh, we are rich with love”???

same thing here… my sisters and I always seem to get “last place”, if you will, compared to my other cousins with my grandparents. I’ve just delt with it and treat them the same as they treat me (second rate?).

It used to bother me, but now I could really care less. The only thing that kind of blows is having to see a bunch of people I could really care less about and pretend that everything is all good to please my father. A few of them are good people though (a few uncles/aunts) but the rest, as far as I’m concerned, are a bunch of stuck up assholes.

kind of wierd to see so many in the same situation though

my extended family only exists for funerals so i can relate.
most everyone is very well off financially, own their own business etc.
but it always ends up being my parents that have to go the extra mile, running errands, taking care of sick relatives, paying money for whatever, while everyone else whines about how hard their lives are, even though we have the least money and now that i think of it, out of my whole extended family, mine is the only one where both parents have to work.

lol not even. If it were up to us… we’d just skip the holidays.

I agree with everyone that is saying “at least you have parents and siblings that care about you”. i have quite a few clients that will be spending holidays alone with a tv dinner because they have no one.
It’s crappy that your extended family doesn’t see how important they could be in your life or how they are hurting you, but you’re probably better off at this point.
Your true “family” really consists of family and friends that make you happy and support you in your life.
believe it or not, the norm is not happy family christmas dinners and togetherness, from what i see, that’s a rarity

spoken like a true counselor.

fuck yeah :slight_smile:

I don’t really know what everyone else said because I’m not going to bother reading everyone’s responses… but this is my advice:

try to concentrate on what YOU have. what you DO have.
you wouldn’t be so jealous and dissatisfied if you did.

maybe things with the rest of your family will work out if you take a better attitude, but they probably won’t if you keep on with this behavior.

Don’t worry about what the other has. They aren’t family if they aren’t even willing to give you the time of day in my opinion. Worry about the ones you love and likewise the ones that love you back.

Besides if anything you can get the last laugh the the ditzy daughters/sons end up broke because they blew all of mommy/daddy’s money. And are confused at the concept of a job. :tup:

I kinda know what you mean. My grandfather, who is very very into christmas, was wrongfully accused of somthing and put in jail, there is alot of evidance in his favor, but the judge was a cock. anyways, this will be the second christmas without him. we always go to his house christmas day and everybody has a good time. well my aunt and Uncle wont even tell their kids, so they dont know whats going on, the othr aunt and uncle visited him once and their kids act like he died and dont mention him at all. Its rediculous. Im not looking forward to christmas at all, this is the only thing i look forward to is seeing my family, and half of them wont even be there.

Danielle, that does suck when you try to love family but realize they don’t give a $hit ~ you. Like Janny said though, just be greatful of what you do have and enjoy those people who do care about and love you.

Also, I if you want me to bone their poor driving daughters really hard I would have no problem in doing so, all for the greater cause. :wink:

Im not jealous of what they have, i dont need to make my daddy buy me a Discovery so i know people will like me

I dont give them any sort of attitude, I act like i do around my friends. trust me, im totally myself around them, but because my dad doesnt own his own business, my mmom has to work, we dont have a million dollar home, and drive a jag, a lexus, or a land rover, that means we are shit to them.

What kills me the most, is my grandmother favors both my aunts who have wealthy husbands, but whenever she needs something done at the house, or needs a favor, she depends on my father.

It kills me even more because i know how bad he is hurting because he being shut out by his family, and that’s not fair.

Usually this doesnt bother me at any other time of the year. Maybe the fact that its chritsmas, and my parents, brother and i arent invited is what is bothering me the most…anywho i wrote my aunt and grandmother a letter. Read it to my parents and they were blown away. I will be putting it in the mail tomorrow and hoping for a pre-Christmas arrival…

i dont think they are “bone-worthy”

pics on request

i’m not an expert or anything…buuuuutttt i really don’t think jealousy has anything to do with this situation… :smash2:

She is saying how she feels about family not being much of a family during the holidays. Why are you saying there was jealousy in her post?? because she is stating how her other family has money and buy expensive things? from what i can see…all she is doing is proving a point.

what point? that them buying cars for their daughters is the reason why their family isn’t tight anymore?


Most of my family was halfway around the globe, now that they’re here they think they’re awesome and it ends up being that everyone is pissed at each other

It was better when everyone was in on the other side of the globe