I just really need to rant...

that wasn’t the point i was trying to make…
i was ranting about how basically when they came into money they forgot where they came from. We used to actually be the typical tight knit Italian family …then BAM! Money is G*D, it was basically like them saying, if you dont have any then we dont want you here

ill make the request … PICS !!!

ok well the first thing u said was “i’m not going to bother reading the whole thread”

maybe this time you should read the whole thread then comment. You’re looking past everything else…all u see are the comments about cars, money…etc…

it gets into more detail and explains the main point. Really not trying to be an ass and sorry if it seems like it…but the first comment you wrote on this thread seemed like an asshole thing to say…everyone that decided to respond gave a positive comment or explained that they are in a similar if not the same situation…it just seemed like you were bashing her and her rant…and still continue to do so.

I think you need to worry less about what you can’t control (their actions towards your family) and be grateful that the family that you do have is spending it together.

i love being my fathers favorite, he loves/cares for me more than my other 3 brothers
im not close to my mother, so i only see her on holidays/birthdays
my bros are cool most of the time, sometimes i wanna kill them in thier sleep

i cant wait till christmas, i love presents.

just go fill the daughters ash trays full of buds and toss a ziplog baggy of flour on the rear seat, break the license plate light, turn the plate upside down and let a cop pull them over

then net time they leave thier house, call the cops and report that a discovery just passed you on a ouble yellow at a high rate of speed

just for the fun of it

Shhh… don’t stick up for her or you’ll be showing explicit signs of affection!!!


Aunt in question and Discovery driving 19 year old with a $6000/yr insurance bill

Aunt, 21 year old, 19 year old

Grandmother and aunt in question

thst would be CLASSIC

damn … i dont even know if MY standards are low enough for the 19 yr old …

and someone tell the 21 yr old to get a better bra, the bottom of her tits shouldnt be as low as her elbow … unless they are DDD’s

Are there supposed to be pics in here?

cmon, you should know how this works by now … right click, get the adress of the pic & open in a new window

Right click what? I see nothing…

Nevermind… I quoted and copied the links. Snobby lookin broads :tup:

be thankful for that family you do have

u could be like me work 60 hours a week, pay the mortgage and a bunch of other bills, not see your father in years, have a waste for a brother, not see your grandparents in years, and have a mother that doesnt really acknowledge you

oh yea, and spend holidays and your best friend’s house. btw I havent had an xmas tree up in my house for about 5 years

so hold on to what youve got

Don’t forget we all get old and grey make sure you visit them when they are shiting in their pants in a nursing home. I have a few family members also who just don’t get it. Make sure you give them the cold shoulder when your super rich and famous!

Yikes youd think the 19 year old would put some of that insurance money away for a nose job instead. I would hit the 21 year old but because i hate what her family did i would knock her up and give her a fake identity

if i was ever gonna knock a bitch up for the fun of it, id use sperm stolen from a sperm bank, and make SURE she KNEW it was me … and i wouldnt let them do a paternity test till i couldnt avoid it anymore

then laugh when i saw the surprise on her face when she realizd that somehow it wasnt my kid

then id prolly call her a whore and ask how many guys she fucked that night

god im evil

hey but at least some chick gave you a bj while eating a hot pocket that one time :tup:

the creepy part is that i’m pretty sure he came up with this in about 4 seconds, folks

The same thing is kind of going on with me. My mother and father just recently got divorced/seperated/whatever the fuck, and now my grandma and STEP-grandpa on my mom’s side don’t even give my dad the time of day. It’s ridiculous because my grandmother pretty much did the same thing when my mom was my age. Left her husband for stupid bullshit reasons. My dad did nothing wrong, and my mom acts like he was the worst husband. Even though my parents are still friends, my grandparents don’t talk to us anymore. I’ll get a card here or there for my birthday and shit, but nothing about “Oh how’s your father, blah blah.” Even my grandma on my dad’s side gets more shit from my other grandparents than we do. It’s such fucking bullshit that my grandparents are so rude. Plus they’re rich fucking bastards and they aren’t helping us out in anyway when they know my mom took everything and that we don’t even have a phone/cellphone because we can’t afford it right now.


They don’t give a shit about me. Probably never have. My “step”-grandpa always treated me like shit, and now that my mom is out of the picture, I guess I don’t have to be his granddaughter anymore.

positive comments are great, but how much do they really help? I attempted to point out a way she could solve it… oops. guess that’s seems like bashing. it was unintentional and I apologize.

I read what she said of course. but I didn’t read all of the comments. that’s what I meant when I said I didn’t read the whole thing. why would I need to read what everyone else says about it when all that really matters is what she wrote? I’m not looking past anything she said. maybe I’m smart enough to read INTO what she’s saying.

I guess I let a previous opinion I’d formed about this situation affect what I wrote on here. I’ve heard her talk about them before irl and it certainly sounded like jealousy is part of the problem…

oh well. it’s only my opinion anyway, if it isn’t true, good deal.