Holiday Cheer

I have none

How the hell am I supposed to be excited about driving Raleigh -> Chattaqua county NY -> Buffalo -> Chattaquqa -> LI -> Raleigh

This is absurd. I would rather spend all of this money on a fucking cruise where I don’t have to deal with family banter and endless hours of driving. This sucks. I am usually really excited for x-mas. The only thing I am excited about is getting out of this office for a week and a half


I’m going to spend 10 hours on a plane on xmas day.

bah humbug

wooo merry x-mas lol

i really dont get into xmas to begin with. hangin out with fam is cool, but i hate the buying of useless gifts.

I’m kinda bahumbug myself this year…

Been a rough year and really don’t feel in the christmas mood AT ALL…



It seems to have come way too quickly this year.

The whole “fml” is getting old and overplayed.

But yeah Christmas came too quick this year, I’d rather it just be 70 and sunny so I can take the bike out.

I’m not really in the mood this year, mainly cause I don’t care. I don’t care what I get for xmas, nor do I care what I do. Xmas means nothing to me.

i have too much trouble coming up with shit that I want in people’s price ranges since anything like that I want I just buy myself while bored at work.

I’m sorry that you have a hard time picking out things you want people to buy for you.

That sounds like a real shitty time.

Good luck.

I have a 7 hour jet ride on Christmas. I’m excited about it though.

Where are you going? Rough Buff?

hey, it is. If we are exchanging I’d like to get something back that’s useful. But I suck at coming up with ideas and end up with a bunch of gift cards and stuff. Ive had people get legimitately pissed at me for not giving any ideas. I should really have everyone pool their resources and get something I really want for say, a grand

I hate when people tell their families/friends what to get them. What is the point of getting gifts then? Just give money if that’s how you want to work it out.


christmas is stupid. I have to sit here in buffalo, with no car, nothing to do, not making money, not being productive in the business I just started. I flew here, so I want to go play hockey but I can’t get there with no car. honestly i’ve been sitting in bed for an hour, the only potential motivation I have to get out of bed is to walk to the coop to get food. i can’t buy food to keep in my fridge, as it would go to waste. last time so much shit spoiled in the fridge here.

in terms of presents, there is nothing i want. only things i need are clutch slave & master cyl for the e30, an e34 m50 car with no motor, a heater core, new goalie pads or skates (some day when I feel like dropping 1k on pads and 500 on skates) a 2 post lift, a digital slr. my family (dad, uncle and grandma are the only ones here, my mom has to go to nyc to be with her cousin as her cousin’s husband is dying. so she’s all bummed out, and she’s the only reason i come home for the holidays, my dad doesnt give a shit about christmas) keeps asking me what to get me, and I don’t want nor need anything, and don’t want them to waste their money buying me something.

and here i am wasting my money on shit that other people don’t want/need, i’m just guessing on things that I think will be acceptable for them.

this is the first year I haven’t worked retail in a decade. but working retail I learned people are huge fucking bitches during the holidays. they’re so mean when they go shopping. i don’t give a fuck about you people or your spoiled ass problems, don’t project them onto me.

eff the holidays

Also, it then makes me laugh when they still WRAP the fucking presents that they already know about.