Christmas Spending?

Bored as shit tonight and figured I’d add a useless poll to this post.

Only 7 days left, how much shopping do you have left? I didn’t even start mine til like Monday but all mine was online, so I am pretty much done.

This was probably the first year I was able to get everything I wanted for everyone, and more and not care about over spending. Also one of the years I didn’t really have anything I wanted so it’ll be interesting to see what I get.

What did YOU spend total this year on all your holiday shopping?

thats exactly how i feel too, some “recession” we are in.

i havent had this much money in the bank in a long time, even after gifts were bought and nothing went on credit. i am loving life financially right now.

i only had to shop for 3 people this year which means i spend way less than 500. good for me cuz i will have leftover money to buy myself goodies after the holidays are over.

how many of you guys actually get back what you spend in gifts? sometimes i get more, but most often not.

if I count what I bought myself, I spent more this year than I ever have. Oh and for the first time ever I think all but one thing I bought was made here in the US and they were all bought from small independent stores.

if i include the shit i bought myself, its well over 6k…


Not a fan of material presents anymore so I try to spend as little as possible. I do photography for a lot my family, and the g/f is getting inter-island plane tickets during our trip in Hawaii so I can take her to other islands. Other than that, Gift Cards to restaurants via FTMFW.

spent enough.

but should be a good xmas. my mom was just here for a week…havent seen her in almost 2 years. I’ll see my sister and brother in law for the first time in also 2 years next week… and also will meet my nephew for the first time.

There really is no point in overspending. I am just glad that I will be able to travel and spend the time with my family and friends that I rarely get to see.

I don’t think I will ever spend a lot of money on gifts just to have them end up buried in someone’s closet. That is not what Christmas is about.

Bingo. That’s how I feel. The uselessness in the types of presents people give baffles me at times.

$300 for my parents
$100 for the sister
$150 on the GFs family
$400 on the GFs gift
$50 for my family yankee exchange
$25 for my company exchange
$2000 for myself

The gifts are things people want. I am a firm person on not just buying something random for a person they don’t need. Also I like getting things like a night out or tickets to something they like.

I agree totally if I knew a gift was going to just go into a closet I wouldn’t buy it. I just like to buy people nice things that normally they wouldn’t buy themselves especially since know I can afford to do so.

This is the first Christmas in a couple years I’ll get to stay home and visit with family instead of showing up Christmas day and having to leave.

Yeah stuff like that I think is a lot better. Instead of material items having the person do something that may enrich their lifestyle a bit. When I was with my ex of 3 years I just used to take her on short vacations for special occasions, and she did the same for me. It was awesome actually.

less than 500… i only buy for 4 people

I don’t want to argue ideals here, but this thread is destined for “I spent more money than you”

havent really started but the goal is to keep it under 500 for sure.

^ to boardjnky4

Fuck that lol. I wanna see who spent the LEAST! (And share the secret)

haha I only spent $50 on my GF. I found out yesterday that she spent $90 so now I have to go shopping again lol.


Its not about how much you spend…its about how much the people value the thought and reasoning behind the present.

If someone tells me they want a laptop…they get a laptop…if someone tells me they want a pack of playing cards…they get that.

I dont like to shop…I dont like to think about it…I just buy people in my family what they want…keeps my stress level down.

If I include the new dining room table “for my wife” it will be way over $2000. lol
We will both use it but, she wanted it. lol