What did you spend this Xmas?

Usually we lay low during the season and end up only buying a couple of presents.

It seems we were invited to a bunch of gatherings this year, and had to buy some stuff. I cringe looking at my bank statement…

So… How much did people spend on Xmas stuff for other people?

A. $0 - $100 “Bah Humbug, need to save for Spring Mods yO!”
B. $101 - $250 “Tis the Season…”
C. $251 - $500 Generous (and/or foolish)
D. $501 - $1000 Time to cool down that CC
E. $1001 and up No Spring Mods FTL

E over here… Time to get that second job man…


Bought my daughter a toy. Everyone else is on their own, and I dont expect anything either.

Wayne and I did most of our shopping online at Amazon.com on Thanksgiving night and saved a boat load of money this year, and I did the rest of the shopping on Black Friday and got some sweet deals, I think we came in the “B” category. Usually we are C or D.

Nice to see I’m not alone.

I’ve spent $0.00.

I am playing secret santa though, but I haven’t gotten that gift yet. The limit is $20 so…

I don’t give, and I don’t get. Fine by me.

D on the verge of E…minus the no money for mods haha. Plenty for everything and more. I just remind myself at the beginning of November to cut back so I don’t fuck myself when Christmas comes around.

3000+ but it is one gift


all of E, every year, kinda sucks to for the 15 mins it last.


GF: Coach purse, VS gift card, cd/dvd/vid game, and technically a cruise. ($300 w/o cruise, $1400 with.)
Mom: Snow tires. ($450+)
Brothers: $150 total
Brothers gf’s: $100 total
Random: $200 or so

Last year I got the whole family a cruise, then told them that I’ll never get them another gift in their life time.


This year is D…

I know my mom’s going to be extremely pissed about getting tires too.

I know she wanted a bigger TV for the living room, but there was no way I was spending that much on her. So, because I am me, I’m putting the tires in the box my 55" Samsung came in and wrapping it and giving it to her.

C for me… each year my parents give me less and less, I think my mom is saving up to mod her crv or something

oh man!!! That’s GREAT, LOL! :rofl

A, just bought something for the parents, dont really care about anyone else.

Sarge is nottttttt going to be happy

I spent C and will receive back A from my family

Somewhere between $350-400. I havent added it all up.

All cash, nothing charged. I guess all the overtime Ive been working lately paid off.


Have a holly jolly CHRISTMAS

D right around 800

Thinking of that reminds me of this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyc8UrUvsfM