How Are You Paying for Christmas?

I’m thinking about throwing everything on my credit card and paying it off, rather than just use cash/debit. Good Idea or no?

only a good idea if you have a good rewards card and pay it off before it accumulates interest.

I use my AMEX to get free shit…but it’s required to be paid off in full each month.

You bring up a good question, lol.

According to a Consumer Reports poll, more than 13 million Americans are still paying off their credit card debt from last Christmas.

I usually pay the total off right away. AMEX kinda drives me nuts cause some places don’t take it, and I don’t know if all credit card companies do it, but when I go online to pay my bill they show the amount I charged but that I owe nothing for a couple weeks so I can’t pay it off. I just applied for a Mastercard however.

Credit Card plus pay off at the end of month FTW. Especially with ShopDiscover, I can get 5-10% back on most big online stores by linking through their website. That got me $250 cashback when I bought my appliances on last year :slight_smile:

I don’t buy extravagant gifts. If I can’t afford it, I don’t buy it. If you can’t appreciate a nice, inexpensive gift, GTFO of my life.

Last year my “starving” college student brother bought me ONE pair of socks, not a 3 pack, ONE pair. It led to quite a few laughs as we still talk about it to this day. I can’t say the same would have happened with an expensive gift.

I always pay cash for xmas. This however will be a tough year with student loans, new apt, and my fucking gf’s bday 4 days before xmas :fu:

Same way I pay for everything. If you have to think of a new way to pay for it then you’re spending too much.

I told the gf that our vacation to Quebec (December 19-24) was our present, so I killed two birds with one stone.

I only buy my mom and dad gifts, they deserve them for all they’ve done for me. My brothers get enough presents anyways.

I always use my Discover Card and get money back. I love the gifts that just make you laugh though, so much better.

I’ve purchased two snuggies already as gag gifts. :slight_smile:

Always wait until they send you a statement. Some credit card companies don’t process rewards until the end of the billing cycle. As long as you pay the statement in full, you won’t pay interest.

I’ll be using my discover card, as long as I get some rewards out of it. I’m not buying much this year. Fiance is getting the shaft since we’re saving for the wedding. My sister and brother-in-law are probably only getting some dvd’s or something. They prefer that I spend money on my niece than on them.

I think I’m gonna build a bird-house for my mom to hang in her back yard. She’s been talking about wanting one, and if I build vs. buy, I can do some fun stuff with paint and such. My dad wants some fancy pair of slippers so I’ll be glad to get them for him.

My fiancee and I stopped exchanging for Christmas, it’s pointless and expensive.

If somebody got me a gift that they couldn’t afford (ie. had to put it on a credit card) I would be pissed at them and probably try to give it back.

If somebody was pissed at me for not getting them some gift that I couldn’t really afford then I’d lose no sleep because they’re obviously missing the entire point of the holidays and gift giving in general.


It definitely is expensive, but gift giving is awesome. When you give a good gift and the person gets really excited, that’s a great feeling.

There are definitely ways to give good gifts without overspending.

I’m surprised with the amount of engineers/mechanics/carpenters on here, that more people don’t build cool shit as gifts.

Last year, my fiancee’s father built gifts instead of buying and he blew EVERY other gift I received out of the water. He built us a bird house that was an exact replica of our house. It’s seriously badass and you can tell that he spent MONTHS working on it. He built fiancee’s sister an awesome corn-hole set, bills themed, spec’d to regulation size, with regulation weight bean bags and everything. WAY better gifts than I could buy/build. You should have seen the look on my face when I saw that bird house. I was blown away.

this year i only need to worry about getting my parents something, and of coarse something for my dog because if she dosent get anything to shred into pieces shell get pretty depressed haha. but i usually try to avoid buying gifts. my mom is hard to buy for anyways, so i usually clean out and detail her car as well as check everything over for her birthday and christmas. much more appreciated i think. last year i did the work to fix my dads car for him when it was totaled for christmas, provided he supplied the parts. this year im not sure what im doing, ill probably buy him new foglights and cornermarkers for the car, since one of his fogs is cracked. ill get the dog the usual, a stuffed animal that will make the biggest mess and some type of bone, lol.

Why does it have to be expensive to be good? I’d honestly be happy with a nice button up shirt and a new tie.

Which would probably cost ~ $100 bucks … Cheap to me is $20-$30

$100 for a shirt and tie?? I’m talking like JC Penny’s stuff lol.