How Are You Paying for Christmas?

cash money, if i cant afford it than why should i buy it?


Usually get my parents electronic shit that they would never know to buy on their own but then use all the time once they have it and I give them the old person’s lesson on how to use it.

I have just as hard of a time coming up with shit to ask for. Anything I want that’s a couple hundred bucks or less I just buy online at work over the course of the year when I’m bored.

One good way to save money is to break up with your chick shortly before christmas. Particularly when she has a December birthday too.

Usually use discovers 1% plus whatever cash back and pay it off each month. Although for the $300-$400 a year is it really worth it…? :confused:


Cash. I hate credit cards and will never let any child of mine own one.

Cash…90% of people who open those 6-12 month 0% interest cards never pay them off in the promotion period. I fall into the 10%, interest is for suckers.

Just need a little willpower and financial sense. Cash back + perks + not being liable if lost/stolen + convienience online > Cash

I’m going to charge everything then get a promoition at work to pay for it.

My fiancee’s dad does that stuff, he either picks up stuff from the garbage or garage sales and refinishes them to look new, or he’ll custom build stuff for people. He always has great ideas and does nice work.

Nothing wrong with that. You can walk into JC pennys with a couple 20s and get a shirt and tie with money to spare.

I thought by law you were only liable for $50 of fraudulent purchases regardless of bank or card policy?

At worst. With cash, if you get mugged or whatever, or you lose it, you’re fucked.

Another good poll would be on how much people plan to spend,I only have to buy for my parents so like $250 max on the BOA rewards card.

we do that every year and it turns into a boner size/pissing match

BTW, there is a show on History Channel tonight called “The Real Story of Christmas”. The preview showed them talking about how shopping for christmas has progressed, and how different it is now, than it was 10-20 years ago. I’ll be watching, and hoping for a dose of reality.

I charge almost everything whether it’s online or in store with my Discover card. Pretty much the same with most purchases I make throughout the year. But then again I pay my card off in full every month. I’ll never see the day I can’t pay off my credit card.

i have 1 credit card, has a limit of 300 for emergencies. xmas is not one of them, i only roll in cash, period…end of story…

I usually just re-gift the gift cards I received the year before. If we all did this it would save a ton of money… and collapse the economy. oops.