CC debt pissing contest

i had a bunch, and paid it all off… bought a house and put the bathroom, and some of my kitchen on a card, but its getting paid off this month (maybe next, it depends on how much i spend on christmas gifts).

anywho, while paying down my debt i was talking with some other people, and i am amazed at how much some people have on plastic. so it made me curious, and i did some searching. it would seem the average american is sporting some serious debt.

so, how much cc debt do you have?

I was down 12k at one point all credit card.

Now I am at Zero and have limited myself to a 1k card which I pay in full everything month.

i only have a debit card. my buddy from home is in college, and carries about 4g’s on his card at all times. I bet thats nothing compared to most people, but he is also a full-time student.

I have about 1200 on my CCs :shrug:

I had close to 10k once. Worst feeling ever. Seriously being that financially fucked up made me a different person, all stressed and angry all the time. Never again.

Just about nil now.

when i relocated to NJ i was up to about 8k in credit cards.

that’s been gone for a while now :slight_smile:

Now that I’m financially secure, I don’t carry any balance from month to month on my cc’s.

now i focus on maxing out my 401k :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: now its a 403b :wink:

$0.00 never had any debt…never will. I don’t even have school loans. If i don’t have the money to pay for it - I don’t buy it.

3k, should be knocked out in a few weeks. usually i dont buy anythign on my cc unless i have the cash to back it up right away

jon, your avitar is soooooo ghey

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:7,topic:39900"”]

$0.00 never had any debt…never will. I don’t even have school loans. If i don’t have the money to pay for it - I don’t buy it.




jon, your avitar is soooooo ghey



doug got his balls cut off yesterday, btw

Paid in full every month. Sometimes it gets up to 2-3k though. Those months make me sad.

$300 :lol:

but I pay it off month to month

Yeah, same here. No money, no buy.

428.52 i have a 500 limit witch i wish they would make higher but you dont even talk to a person when you want it higher you get a computer

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:7,topic:39900"”]

$0.00 never had any debt…never will. I don’t even have school loans. If i don’t have the money to pay for it - I don’t buy it.



How about that bike loan you had for that short time that your mom paid off so you could sell it. Or the 1200 in clothes your mom paid off for you a while ago when I was over the one time :rx3:


Im just sayin.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:7,topic:39900"”]

$0.00 never had any debt…never will. I don’t even have school loans. If i don’t have the money to pay for it - I don’t buy it.


or your dad pays it for you…

i was going to try to find the thread, but it is too much work



How about that bike loan you had for that short time that your mom paid off so you could sell it. Or the 1200 in clothes your mom paid off for you a while ago when I was over the one time :rx3:


Im just sayin.




or your dad pays it for you…

i was going to try to find the thread, but it is too much work


sprocketbash411: i am so excited to make a 11,000 dollar credit card payment…
sprocketbash411: is that lame?
Carolina1Bound23: i’d love to do that. i’d be excited too.
Carolina1Bound23: i know this is dumb, but my mom pays for one of my credit cards, every month, total balance… then i have one i get billed on the internet that i hide. why do i hide it? no idea. i have like a 600 dollar balance…but pay 50 a month. horrible

double pwnd…lol