Holiday Cheer

I’m getting a set of tires for my motorcycle… “i’m not supposed to know…” it’s something i need for spring, and it’s fine w/me to act surprised.

This year I had everyone friends, family, co-workers asking “What do you want for Christmas”. It’s difficult explaining the things I want I buy, and I’m at the point now where if someone gets me something I appreciate it for the thought of them thinking I could use/want it, rather then giving them ideas of things I want.

I’ve been in the holiday mood since before Thanksgiving, and I know it’s going to come and go just as fast as every year so I am just going to enjoy the time off from work with my Mom and family.

I usually never ask for any presents. It always seems to annoy people.
I also do not appreciated the crap people buy for me as I did not want it. :slight_smile:
I would rather people saved their money and did something to entertain them selfs instead of committing me to buy them equally useless crap.

All I want is free time to fix all the crap I have around the house like motorcycles and a Jetta.

I was thinking about asking for services for christmas. “What do you want this year?” “Clean my whole house.”

my parents seriously DEMAND that I tell them what to get me. They’re gonna get me what I want, and I appreciate that they feel compelled to buy me something. I really do, it’s super cool of them, but it’s not necessary.

The gf and I USUALLY do the surprise thing, but this year we just got each other what we wanted. Then she goes around telling me not to peak. LOL, I told you EXACTLY what to get and where to get it. Just let me hook the fucking thing up already.

This is the first year I am not spending x-mas eve (which is HUGE with my family) and x-mas with my family. I’ll be in buffalo, bouncing around between her mother and father’s houses.

My mom gets me the same thing every year- aaa gold and a giant box of cleaning supplies, toothpaste shampoo ect. I don’t need to buy any deoderant for a year. She buys me all of this shit so I can spend $ I would have spent on it on stuff I want (mostly beer) I get them the same thing every year - $100 gift certificate for coyote cafe, they love that place

I told the gf I don’t want anything at all. The only thing I really want but don’t have right now is a “fun car” and she can’t buy me that

she still bought me a bunch of shit. I have yet to buy her anything. Fuck

my parents have the right idea- theyre flying to Florida on Xmas day

This sounds like the WORST!


Second worst.


i like to peak

I have a 4 year old daughter, it is really fun seeing how stoked she is for Christmas. She has been stoked for like 4 weeks straight! lol



I get stoked just thinking about peaking

I wouldn’t mind PEAK for Christmas.

Peaked? Peaked, Dee? Let me tell you something. I haven’t even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you’ll know. Because I’m gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia is gonna feel it.


You know it.


I surprised my wife with a lift kit for her truck as well as BFG A/T tires. She is also getting us flying back to visit home and Daytona 500 tickets for us.

So far I have received a Classic Stanley thermos which I’m very happy about because it kicks oh so much ass.

I didn’t really ask for anything for Christmas, but if someone buys me something it better be useful and kick ass, that is all I ask.

On my wife’s side of the family they draw names and I got her little cousin, whom asked for 2 dvds. He got one and a Mag light. I got him a Mag light to man him up a little.

I love buying gifts for people as long as they mean something. Stupid gifts are the suck, unless they break through stupid and blaze right on to ridiculous, then they are worth it just for the laugh.

You might be a redneck if…

LoL I’d rather have a red neck wife then a high maintenance bitch whore.

She grew up in Eden with the corn festival, what do you want from me!? LoL Her grandma owned the house where the tractor pull is, it was their back yard.

Plus she is totally cool with me having 5 cars and dropping 10K into a corvette engine. What else more could you want?! :slight_smile:

'Cause I’m a redneck woman, I ain’t no high class broad
I’m just a product of my raising, I say, Hey y’all and Yee-haw
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song
So here’s to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big ‘Hell yeah’ from the redneck girls like me