Merry Christmas Nyspeed

Merry Christmas guys. Have a good one!

Merry christmas

imd drunkd

One of my first thoughts on Christmas was a depressed one - it’s nice driving weather, but I have my snow tires on the MINI.

Can’t wait for summer.

But screw that, anyway. Merry Christmas to everybody.

Merry Christmas everyone! (I am putting toys together)

Merry Christmas Everyone :slight_smile:

I am laying in bed on my MBP trying to get a dvd downloaded before tomorrow but not going so well. That and the bar closed at 10 and I have a 12 pack of Guinness on the front porch but I’m too lazy to go down there.

Oh well, hope everybodys day tomorrow is fun and merry!

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanuka

I’m not including Kwanzaa because it’s not a real holiday.

merry christmas all

In that case, we’re 4 days late on solstice, let’s stop with all these pretender days.

merry christmas!

merry christmas guys, anyone else doin some last second wrapping? lol

Just wrapped my last three gifts. haha. ;E

Merry Sypahis and Clappy New Year

im eating pasta woooooo

It’s spelled Hannukah or Chanukah


shoulder is killing me still :(. Havent slept in 2 days. nothing takes the paina way. took 2 7.5 lortab and 400mg of motrin…didn’t touch it. tried hot showers, ice, heat pads…nothing. WTF!

But yeah Merry Christmas lol.

Did you go to a doctor yet? Try some :burnin: at the very least you will be in a better mood :).

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Children