You know what really grinds my gears?

All this PC non-denominational “Happy Holidays” crap. I actually donated to the red cross guy ringing his bell in front of Media Play purely because he wished me a Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. You don’t eat holiday cookies, you don’t sing holiday carols, you don’t get into the holiday spirit, you don’t put holiday presents under a holiday tree, you don’t send holiday cards, and it’s sure as hell not a time of year that exists because we’ve been celebrating the birth of a non-denominational holiday person for 2000 years! If you celebrate Hannukah or Kwanzaa or whatever, then feel free to wish me a happy Hannukah or Kwanzaa and I won’t take offense. In fact, I’ll wish you the same in return! Just don’t tell me that I can’t use a greeting that actually recognizes a single religion/practice/belief. This culture has a tradition of trying to be a little nicer and a little more generous around CHRISTMAS time. This culture was also founded in the spirit of a constitution that provides for the existence of all religions, not denies the existence of any. So Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Happy Kwanzaa! But don’t you dare tell me I can’t pick my favorite and wish it to everyone I see!

That’s what really grinds my gears.


*Holidays. ONE L.

But I agree with you. I don’t give a shit if someone tells me Merry Christmas, and I’m jewish. I’m a jew who celebrates Christmas. I don’t consider Christmas a religious thing. I never have. It’s a time where people get their friends and families presents, and give to the needy. That’s how I see it.



singed - teh aithiest

I am with you on that one, retailers make all this money in the november months why, because of Christmas.

Actually this year macy’s advertisements were Merry Christmas.

there was an article about this in usa today like 2 weeks ago

And you know what else grinds my gears? You America!

Fuck you!

If you dont care if someone wishes you a Merry Chistmas or Happy Hannukah or Kwanzaa then I dont see what the big deal is if some said Happy holidays. Sence all of those are technicaly holidays.

I’m a walking contradiction I guess. I’m an atheist who would rather hear Merry Christmas. But I agree, Christmas in this country should hardly be considered a religious holiday. Celebrate the birth of your lord through credit card debt and mass capitalist spending!

Happy December Non Denominational Celebration Season!!

No doubt

to each his pwn


religion is dumb. xmas is dumb.

I was listening to the radio and they changed the words of “OH Christmas tree” to “Oh evergreen” WTF…

PC shit is stupid, get a set of balls and deal with it.

Spelling corrected. Thank you Dawn.

I just noticed the irony in my taking offense to having to avoid certain phrases to keep from offending people. I guess my beef is with having to supress the traditions of the masses to avoid offending a few. Whatever. Regardless…

Merry Christmas Everyone. And thank you to everyone above who wished me a merry/happy anything because they chose to do so, rather than because they don’t want to offend me. :tup:

I think we know exactly where your coming from. One of the major foundations of this country is the freedom to express ones beleif in whatever religion one chooses to follow.

I heard that Christmas is more celebrating some guy that gave gifts and what not years ago… he died and his legend went on to be Santa Claus and we continue that tradition today.

But ya… Happy Holidays is silly… people are out of control with this crap.

Getting your panties in a wad over someone saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” makes you a bigger douche bag than the fuck sticks that get bent about the “Merry Christmas” in the first place. It’s the fucking Holiday season, it’s Thanksgiving, it’s Christmas, it’s Kwanza, it’s Chaunaka (sp?), it’s New Years and all that other crap. It’s the fucking Holidays, and you know what? I say “Happy Holidays” because it’s the holiday season, it’s NOT FUCKING CHRISTMAS YET YOU STUPID SHIT. Do you say “Happy Birthday” to someone the entire month leading up to their actual birthday? No! So shut the fuck up you whiney bitch.

Relax there Walter before you pee on yourself.
Read ^ what he wrote again. Its simply about being told that saying Merry Christmas is basically not politically correct.

Oh and Religion is REALLY fucking stupid but Christmas is fun. (except for the douch bag shoppers that need to be sparayed with a automatic shotgun)

MERRY CHRISTMAS…i was named Christopher because i was born near Christmas…so again MERRY CHRISTMAS

I am very conscious of the whole holiday well wishing thing. In business your really have to be. If I wish someone a Merry Christmas and they are offended by it, then I have some trouble on my hands.

Such anger!

Who cares!?

word to walter.