You know what really grinds my gears?

Yeah, it’s a short walk past the religious/birth of Christ thing before you get into what was spawned by the story of St Nicholas.

Happy Holidays Walter! :tup: To each his own, and the oppression of that is what I’m bitching about. I’ve got no problem with choosing to wish someone an entire season of wellness. My problem is with it not being considered OK to say Merry Christmas.

what does christmas have to do with religion? where does it talk about santa clause in the bible?

and walter; thanks you’re hilarious

Festivous for the rest of us

Most people could honestly not give a shit about religion anyway. I don’t see why it matters one way or the other.

discussing and debating this is useless. who cares what people choose to say?
say what you want. don’t take offense if people are trying to be inclusive by saying happy holidays. these are the holidays.

season’s greetings. who fucking cares. if there is a god, he’s probably laughing at us.

I am always PC, I only say “Merry Christmas” to people that look like Chistians.

:tup: for saying exactly what Walter said.

+1… teh winnar

waler could not have said it better. Write to Blow Off Some Steam into the Metro News about this, teh old ppl will love it

i was just over at office max today buying an ink cartridge and the cashier said merry christmas as i cashed out, i thought i t was nice to hear instead of happy holidays

even though its not christmas yet, its still the “christmas season” i guess, and i get annoyed by society trying to be too politically correct

meh, i just stick with happy holidays - you don’t want the flying spaghetti monster fuckin with you

Good no-one said it yet,


:tup: to me not reading the thread and just posting my response to the first post.

:tup: Walter. Its so much eaiser to say one broad comment then to go through and guess what the hell everyone is, this way everyone feels they are welcomed and no one feels excluded.

BAH HUMBUG! to the most insane time of the year

:tup: to jan working agnostic shit into this thread

and citing her own post - i thought i was the only one that assumed Ph.D. status in threads

I’ve been unclear.

I’m bothered by the idea that it is becoming socially unacceptable to say “Merry Christmas”. I’m done. Rock on with your greeting of choice. :tup:

best argument for Holiday Season ever.

EDITED for Rudeness

Im just gonna say “Merry FUCK…PISS…” for now on

give people something to really be offended by


I think it’s always safer to say happy holidays
Thats what I say… unless I KNOW that someone celebrates x-mas, then it’s “merry x-mas”. same goes for my friends who celebrate Hannukah, they get a “Happy Hannukah”. :slight_smile:

The annoying part is that people don’t think that maybe…just maybe…a stranger doesn’t celebrate the same thing. Ultimatly though, who cares? Look at the bigger picture and realize that the person is nice enough to wish you a “merry” anything. Hey, a least they’re trying to be nice :lol:

PC shit can be annoying too