You know what really grinds my gears?

After Sept. 11th, 2001, I wouldn’t give them bastards a Dime! It goes to more than just “Causes”. Not only that, but When you THINK Your giving money to the needy. It goes to other places like the middle east and shit. Fuck all that. I think if your giving money it should go to where it was given. not to some fuck thats 10000000’s of miles away

Festivus for life! Donate to “The Human Fund” today!

not to be a dick, but seriously, who celebrates Kwanzaa…

No wounder people make fun of you. Um chirstmas has always been about the celebration of Jesus christ. The presents are in representation of when the wisemen gave gifts to honor Jesus. Do some reserch before you spout out your closeminded liberal bullshit. True it has been twisted to be more of a capitaolistic hiliday, but the base of this holiday still remains the same. We celebrate the Birth of Jesus christ. Like it or not, thats your choice, but because you choose not to believe in God does not mean you can change the meaning of somthing that has been going on for houndreds of years.

You really know how to offend me and my peeps.

Kwanzaa can be seen to be celebrated in the third series of the sentai drama “Power Rangers” when Aisha holds a holiday festival for the citizens of Angel Grove.

you know what really grinds my gears? that lindsy lohan

:word: :rofl: :whogives:

CHRISTmas is about presents, thats all, jesus isnt real,
ur god is dead,
and noone cares,
if there is a hell,
ill see u there.

walter > this thread

i dont get upset about people saying happy holidays. what upsets me is high schools having to ban ‘‘holiday concerts’’ because the of the kids playing and signing christmas carols, and whiney other-denominational bitches complaining about it. ‘‘wahh wahh im offended by the band playing oh christmas tree, wahh wahh my sandy vagina, wahh wahh wahhhh.’’ do they make hanakuh and kwanzaa carols? if they did im sure schools would be happy to include them. in the meantime, dont ruin people’s (kids especially) christmas/holiday spirit.

Just when I was starting to like you… :gtfo:

:lol: Seriously though…christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. weather you celebrate it or not is a different story. Same with easter, it is meant to celebrate the rising of jesus from the dead…again, weather you believe this or not is a different story, but you can not argue the origins of the holiday.

taken word for word from the dictionary:

Christmas (kris.mes) n. yearly celebration commemorating the birth of Jesus. December 25th.

I guess the dictionary is wrong :gotme:

I’m driving north on NFB at a little before 11pm tonight, and there’s this white Cavalier with the strobes flashing. Yeah! Dumb fucker’s got strobes! He gets behind me, blinds me and I almost missed my lady-pal’s street. I wanna kill that mother fucker.

or at least beat the living crap out of him.

Yes, this is why we’re having this discussion.

Christmas isnt about jesus,its about giving stores 50% of yearly profit all in one month.

wanna know what really grinds my gears…when my clutch isnt fully engaged and i slam gears…

i can see both sides…i mean (and i am very sorry if i offend anyone with this…no offense intended AT ALL) there are some really stuck up jewish people and kwanza-celebrating people who really do take it as an insult when soemone says ‘merry christmas’ and thinks that the person saying it has no respect for thier religious beliefs and is ethnocentric about christianity. on the other hand, i partially agree with dawn in saying that christmas is a time when you get together with family and friends and exchange gifts and give to the needy, its just a happy time of the year. I do take pride in being a christian and celebrating christmas for its true meaning, but i do see the family/fridsn/giving to the needy part as a more realistic reason why i enjoy the holliday…

so back on topic…i suppose if i was of a different religion, it wouldnt bother me all that much if someone said ‘merry christmas’ to me. i look at it this way: you cant tell what religion someone is just by lookingat the, so all people are trying to do is just spread a little holliday cheer and be polite. for all of you christmas-celebrating people, doesnt it make you feel kinda good when some1 says ‘merry christmas’ to you? at least put a smile on your face for a few brief seconds? no one is out to offend anyone…its not like people are walking up to each other and going ‘hey you’re jewish…so merry christmas to you!’ its just not meant like that.

so merry christmas…no harm done

Especiallly when doing a 5-2 shift

^ I sumwhat agree. What I dont like is that christmas is a Christian holiday, granted it has been turned into a capitalistic holiday, but you can not argue with people and tell them their wrong for saying merry christmas at christmas time because you “might” offend them. Im sorry but this “may be offensive” political correctness has to go. it is completely irrational and a waist of time.

I think we can all agree on one thing… and hopefully this end all the discussions of “this is right”… “no this is right”

What we can all agree on is that the “Meaning” of Christmas depends strictly on your beliefs on what you were taught growing up. There are more than one story of the reason for celebrating at this time of the year. Obviously the biggest and most used one is of Jesus’ Birthday being around the 25th.

As mentioned in many previous posts in this thread though… all Christmas is anymore is a money making machine for businesses around the world. That’s all. Ask any kid what they think Christmas means and more than half of them will say it’s about the presents.

I think you could hold some kind of arguement of the origins depending on your belief… but that’s the only way to base that kind of arguement. I was taught basically the same thing most people were taught so I have no argement here.

In all retrospect to everything about “Happy Holidays” and saying Merry Christmas isn’t politically correct anymore… that’s just rediculous. Just because America is one of the most diversified countries in the world doesn’t mean we have to be 110% pollitically correct.

Just my .02 :shrug:

I am now thoroughly entertained by the close-minded arguments and horrible misspellings in this thread. thank you, boys.

Close-mindedness for the win! :tup:

prepares to eject