? about sabres tickets

my was girl friend bought me a mini pack (5 games) for my bday a few months ago and i was wondering if she can cancel the tickets? i have the tickets and im going to the game tommorow night with a diff girl, which is why im worried that she would try to do that… but theres no way she can cancell them ?

u physically have the tickets? how the hell would she cancel them?

lol… yea… don’t worry. you should be fine

i was just making sure because she bought them with her credit card… ya i have the tickets…i was just making sure since im taking a different girl to the game , i didnt want her to be psycho and cancell them and ruin my night … i didnt know lol

taking butler?

oh, they’re probably worthless…but just to be on the safe side, i’ll give you $100 for the rest of them.


haha lol ya i do have tomms game and two more games to go to… i should be a cheap sob and sell them lol,

i can’t wait to see the reply after this game, i’ll get the popcorn ready in the mean time
