AC/DC in the Burgh!!!


SWEEET…i already have the new album pre-ordered

i was planning on going to the concert in Columbus, OH…bu now i might just wait for this one ! ! !

Ya tell me bout it buddy, im so glad theres a Pittsburgh date so I dont have to make some 3hour+ drive

yup, same here man

tailgate party ?:beer:

Hell ya dude, im down!

both gonna wear mullet wigs?

highway to hell…
hell yeah i will go

sweet ! !

yes u are

I plan on making it down as well, even tho i alrdy have columbus tickets

its gonna be tits batman, tits

nothing wrong w/ an asian smoking reds, driving a camaro, wearing a mullet wig, and attending a ac/dc concert… :stick:

the real deal
[ame=“”]YouTube - sin city, midnight special[/ame]

SWEET jeff ! !

ya, we was planning on going to Columbus Show as well, but we heard about the rumor of them playing in the Burgh so we took the chance and waited to hear when it was gonna be.

you shouldn’t have any trouble at all tho selling them tickets, i see there sold out already for that one. I’d would try ebay or craigslist to get rid of them


Jesus I just looked up ticket prices…

cheaper then nascar? haven’t looked yet.

i’d pay up too $300 for a ticket for the burgh.

ya there cheaper then nascar tickets

when i priced the Columbus, OH ticket prices they were 90 a piece for anywhere in the stadium…so I’m hoping when the Pittsburgh tickets go on sale on the 11th there the same, but either way I’m going to it

I would’ve paid to go see them in the 70’s and 80’s, but I think it’s crazy that ticket prices are so high for these bands that are getting up there in age… I’m sure AC/DC is still gonna be kicking ass, but that’s a lotta cheese for a nostalgia concert IMO.

For instance, the Eagles, $47.50 up to $176.25… I dunno, maybe I’m just out of the loop.

How can you not see them. they are fucking old and still together.
I would pay whatever cost to see - THE DOORS.

ACDC > led zeppelin

Haha I wouldn’t go see Zeppelin now either.

tru dat shag :cool: :beer:

i know if i didn’t go i would regret it later

You gonna come to Shag ?

The eagles can name just a few songs. ACDC wow that’s another whole different ballgame.

i’m still gonna go to the columbus show, havent even thought of the burgh show. on a kick about seeing live shows this year :rofl:

nascar nba to acdc, i’m fucking getting old :rofl: