Epic Win for an 67 year old guy
Dont know how to embed but i will try
Epic Win for an 67 year old guy
Dont know how to embed but i will try
lol not car chat but awesome. Not sure what they were arguing about its not clear at all but the kid got owned bahaha. Most people talk shit big but then get their ass whooped Wait let me re-iterate this. The old guy knocked the fuck out of the younger guy LOL
Saw this too. Made me laugh.
that link just lead me to this dude
p.s what are the instructions to embed videos ?
Black guy deserved it. Kudos to mr white man
oooh she kungfu’d her ass LOL this thread wins
Okay good night
[QUOTE=p.s what are the instructions to embed videos ?[/QUOTE]
X fucking 2!
Hahaha. I love how the black dude is starting shit repeatedly and the old man is just standing up for himself. That 67 year old has lived through wars and was a hell dog,in every sense of the word, seen things we hopefully never have to see. I am sorry, you’re an idiot to just start on a vet and go to attack and not expect to get what you have coming to you. He clearly wasn’t lying when he said he has socked touge guys like him before. That’s him at 67. When he was 30, obviously he was built like a shit brickhouse. It’s dead obvious, hahaha.
I love bow st the end they say, “that man was on dope.” why? Because he stood up for himself and laid the smackdown on the punk when he went to beat a 67 year old.
“Next time imma whoop to ass”. Hahaha. That Marine vet could murder him with his bare hands before he could say that twice. I love this video.
edit I am mistaken about the marine part I believe; the rest still stands. Dude punched him first and the old man laid the smack down like a man’s man. Love how their tone changes and how they think they can press charges. It was never a race thing until the black people pulled the race card
For every good black dude trying to get ahead, there’s 10 of these clowns holding him down.
lmao damn
hahaha the person right after ol white dude slames him
anyone else see the white dudes shirt on the back says I AM a mother fucker lool
He put us black folks to shame!! We will be trading him away in the next racial draft!!
Did they rob his bag at the end? I love how he is still talking shit after asking for the ambulance, and he can’t even say it right becasue he got hit so hard lol
I know who we are trading for…lol
heres the second half of first clip out side lol buddy starts yelling and shit. epic lol ,
this shit was hilarious…get the ABALANCE LOL.just another barking dog that had no teeth.donating blood to the bus seats n floor LOL… win for the t67 LOL
got what he deserved, the man’s built for his age against that scrawny looking black dude lol