accessing Alldata on any HVCC computer

Go to start, programs, then Automotive. There’s a link to Alldata. You can access it for free if you are on any campus computer I’m pretty sure. I know for sure I can get it in the CAD labs.

hacker skillz y0

Copy that shit and give it to me

yea, shoulda just posted the link, haha.

It only works ON campus though :frowning:

Good thing i have that shit on an external hard drive and on one of my house computers! :banana

good thing im gonna hack that fucking site and put easter eggs on it

Do it

actually im going to go to bed cuz im tired and i didnt sleep yet

my copy has a f’ed up data cd and is kinda old… any shot i could get one from ya?

I printed everything off Alldata on all my current cars before I finished HVCC. :lol Huge packets of paper! :lol

contact me for login info!

there is no longin, you just click on that URL while you’re on campus then just press enter

lol. They made Alldata accessable from all campus computers this semester. its not a hack. HAHAHA

Back in 03-05 it used to be available from the HVCC website, I could login from home and use it.

or you can go from home and go to the and then login to my schools server thingymabob

Def not a hack…

On another note, if anyone needs a ShopKey log in… PM me

Wanna find out how to replace the thermostat on my Elantra?

thats what i was talking about

Sure, I’ll find out and take a screen shot and post it or something
