Actor Heath Ledger has been found dead

Really shitty, A Knight’s Tale was prob my favorite movie of his.


lol coke. You really can’t die off coke unless you have a heart attack. You really don’t overdose on coke like you can on Heroin.

in most of the links it says cops called to the scene for a “cardiac arrest” call.On the most recent ones it says he most likey died from an overdose of sleeping over the counter meds.

omg. in memory of heath. :

one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies. i know, im super gay.

holy shit

Maybe he really was a fag. whats the saying- Aids kills fags dead


i dont know who he is off the top of my head

Damn… That sucks, I really liked his acting.

at least there will be no more gay butt sex movies.(Brokeback)

if i had to guess the sexual preference of you based solely on the vehicle you drive, i would guess you are the biggest flaming faggot on gods green earth.

i heard there actually taking a cast of his ass and surrounding orifices, for brokeback mountain 2


they would have made that movie with or without him… :gotme:
so why does he get the ‘gay’ branding.

i dont know. i heard some loose reports that his relationship issues combined with getting into the character of the Joker for the new batman movie fucked him up royally…

I understand that hollywood has always had its fair share of teen/twenty-somethings who indulged in ‘the life’ a bit too much, but is it just me, or are thing blowing the fuck up as of late. then again it may be the inc media coverage

You’re applauding someone’s death?

I was :clap: at this post

whenever you get young rich people, that got their money either through family, or earned it with something not directly correlated with smarts (sports, acting, bands, etc.) your chances of drug addiction or overdose go up approximately 752,000%.
generally, the ones who get rich by being smart enough to come up with an idea and have it take off are a little better at keeping themselves alive.

That sucks. He was one of the few remaining good actors in hollywood.

hmm channel 4 news says it must be drug related! :picard::clap:

and theres a pot hole on a bridge in west seneca that a bus driver is afraid to drive over!