Actor Heath Ledger has been found dead

Just last week Brad Renfro died too, maybe it will come in threes. Maybe someone like Tobi Maguire will be next?

man, i was in total shock when my friend told me this earlier. he was a good actor.

i love this movie too. i need to go buy it.

is this not ban-able offense? Do we only persecute based on race, and not religion, creed, sexual orientation, etc?

In that case, I join you.

Should have read closer.

You fail at life.

lmfao best post ive ever seen on this site

For real, GREAT film, it really is sad, he was a great actor.

And of course the Westboro baptist church

thats embarrassing, Glad I’m not religious.

Die in a motherfucking fire.
:newman::newman::newman::newman::newman::newman: :newman:

Hahaa, good find man :gay:

dude religious people piss me off.

Yeah, religious people are pretty fucked in the head. At least the fucking assholes that would make something like this.

fixed haha

Quote taken from that site:

omg i say we all beat off to him today for his honor

I just dont understand some people these days. Seriously…where were their parent? Why weren’t they taught what was socially acceptable and what isnt?

Dude…I live in the bible belt…tell me about it…I dont understand how some other religious extremest hasn’t gone and shot that WBC church place up. Seriously just pump as much lead into the building as possible. Im sure we could get people to donate $1 per round…

I’ll file this under, “Things that make me go… Meh”.

Much more tragic deaths in society than this.

Perhaps the strangest celebrity reaction has come from Jack Nicholson. When photographers broke the news of Ledger’s death to the veteran actor – who also played The Joker – in London last night, Nicholson simply said, “I warned him.”

^ So Nicholson killed him? :lol:

i lol’ed

more of saying when nicholson went nuts from playing the joker too…