Adam Carolla on the new "top gear"

I know I know this doesn’t compare…

I got it DVRd… I cant wait to find some time to watch it.

I <3 adam carolla

Meh, we’ll see.

I like adam corolla but i dont know if i will like him reviewing cars… if i was 50 cent i wouldnt be buying a g8… thats just me though

adam carolla :tup: :tup: :tup:

he really does love cars and has quite a collection.

every other analogy or aside he makes on loveline is some how related to cars, plus hes funny as fuck :tup:

meh…i hated it just because of the music…

and no stig = :tdown:

oh god, it’s just going to be paid advertisements for cars

edit: That’s not actually Top Gear, thank god.

ya, that is not top gear, at all

The following video is from SPEED’s video podcast and features a little bit of Adam Carolla behind the wheel of the new Pontiac G8. It’s rather short and features horrible music, but it’s a decent look at what Adam might be like on Gear and his skills at being funny on the fly.


EDIT: “Thats why I’m and American! The whole point is to get cars you don’t need, get more horsepower than is safe or responsible. Look, when you order a steak, you get one thats bigger than your head. Why? This is America! Do you need to eat all that beef? Of course not! But you do anyway because you’re in America!”

^my hero! lol

No shit that’s why it says “top gear”…
However this is the US version…

Carolla is awesome, not saying anything against him. I’m just thinking like was mentioned above this is going to be majority paid advertisements and biased opinions.

Do you read at all… That is a speedTV podcast, not the US version of top gear.

Here, one more time

The following video is from SPEED’s video podcast and features a little bit of Adam Carolla behind the wheel of the new Pontiac G8. It’s rather short and features horrible music, but it’s a decent look at what Adam might be like on Gear and his skills at being funny on the fly.


I actually didn’t know Adam Corolla was a car buff. Doubt I’ll watch the show anyways, American programming has nothing to do with the program, it’s just a big commercial. See, in the UK, if a car review show says a car sucks, the manufacturer doesn’t stop giving cars to the show to test like Americans, they actually FIX the problems and send another car back to the show. What a concept!

he had some home improvement show on TLC a couple years ago and they showed him driving an Aston Martin, a really souped up 350Z, a Jag, and I think a Mini.

EDIT: as per Wiki; “An avid car enthusiast, he has owned a BMW M3 E30-generation model, an E46-generation M3, Datsun 510, an Audi S4, Jaguar sports coupe, MINI Cooper S, Nissan 350Z, Aston Martin, Lamborghini 350GT, and a Ferrari.”

Hence the quotations you stupid fuck, I.E. it’s a show meant to compare to Top Gear.(and it doesn’t)

I’d really like to meet you sometime, I wonder if you look as retarded as you seem sometimes.

edit…sorry I figured people on here are actually intelligent enough to understand what I meant by clicking the link and reading the article. I forgot the small dick crew just wanting to come in with the :bigclap: because of the lack of :fapfapfap: in their life…

Could have been a lot worse. Hopefully they don’t try to pass it off as “Top Gear” (but I’ll put my application in for the Stig) :smiley:


here, lets try this again, this is what you posted in case you are to retarded to remember


that clip has nothing to do with the us version of top gear, minus they both have Adam Corolla in it…

nice try though.

Version/ Attempt at it…

Guess I could have used better wording. I was assuming that this was going to be the US version since we can’t compare to Top Gear.

Again Your still an idiot…

we will see but im not getting my hopes up.

I am an idiot because you fail at describing, they you try to defend your statement when you are wrong, you really do suck at life, please, for all mankind, just end your life now.