Adam's new Audi

Roller was bought from overseas. All the fab shit has been done over here. Got a hell of a deal on it. Couldnt have built the cage for the price i picked it up for…

Oh. That makes perfect sense. Thanks for clarifying!


NP ni99a!

can i drive it?

Saw your build on Audizine Adam. Looks good

i’m jealous !! i think his tires r bigger than mine…:ninja

saweet, love the color

dont worry hank your gut makes up for it ;):lol


so no?

turbo looks low for oil drainage. pics always make it look that way though.

you would notice that, but i have to agree

kettle meet pot ,what ?:lol

Nah it all works fine when every thing is hooked up. Turbo is slightly higher then the oil pan by a couple inches

So thats the next setup Nick? The Megasquirt can def. beast that.:lol

Not sure the engine management yet. Still undecided

i recommend KPRO

Get out of here with your honda bull shit

This setup uses a carburetor right?