ADIDAS, anyone here cut hair, CAMAROS ARE SIQQQ

ok so I’m a new comer to this forum this year but i came across these videos that were taken in 2007

about 7 minutes in cars are leaving no frills in the falls and someone off cam is making me laugh so fucking hard

So if anyone knows who it is or would like to come forth so i can bow before you in recognition of your antics

How can we be sure that your not the Adidas guy seeking revenge? XD

cause I’m not some hick trash that hooks up with women named Beth :wink:

i totally forgot about him

LOL i remember that vid ahaha


…well let him come forward…this was posted in the mem section i think a while ago…

epic part though eh, hahah @ the ambulance comments…



Yeah that one was good…

BUT BY FAR my faviorte of bing/onyx guys is the crazy lady who hates dunville lmao…

Iuno if you have seen that one,
…funny…but old lol, nice to watch it agian after so long

I think maybe when my car is complete i might have to go lay some rubber down in the parking lot around i unno 6:30 on a sunday morning make sure shes up and early :wink: Whos in?

^ lol
ya that movie makes me laugh

It’s Sunday at 9:20am why am I hearing a car running???

well lady people own cars and some people even wake up before 9:20am what a shock…

Heccccctuuuurrrr FTW:

LOL what was H doing?

Mother fuckin ricer tickets…

Either that or it was the time sasha mouthed off to the GF of a proud cavy owner and H stepped in to take charge.

Lmao, H and those tickets never get old.

BAHAHAHAHA I remember the Adidas dude LOL!!!

Ah yes Niagara meet 2006 or 2007 …Hector and the ricer tickets at No frill parking lot on Lundy’s lane LOL!!! That was hilarious, Sasha starts shit with the Cavalier owner and the guys gf and then Hector jumps in to save the day LOL!!!

Hey speaking of HECTOR !!!

Don’t forget to PM him Happy Birthday… It’s his BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!


PM’d !!!

Is anyone putting together a video from the '09 meet?

lol there was a group of ricers at that parking lot this year. any pics of that shit