Its brand new sealed in the pkg. comes with authentic serial key and registration code. Selling for 800 firm original price close to 2000
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Adobe InDesign CS5.5
Adobe Acrobat X Pro
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5
Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5
Adobe Flash builder 4.5 Premium
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Adobe Contribute CS5
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
Adobe After Effects cs5.5
Adobe Audition CS5.5
Adobe OnLocation CS5
Adobe Encore CS5
Additional Components:
Adobe Bridge CS5
Adobe Device Central CS5.5
Adobe Dynamic Link
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5
*Integrates with Adobe CS Live online services.
Selling because I already have the collection, and just received this as a gift - completely authentic.