[adult swim]

Easily the best collection of shows on TV.


my son loves that shit…he runs around screaming fry guy and likes the other show before that

some shows are awesome, but i fucking hate Inuyasha.

ive been watching adult swim for 3 years now. I hate the anime shit, but the regular stuff is good. I have almost all the sealabs on my computer, every family guy, and just about every old spaceghost. “I am Sofa King We Todd Did” no … dont say so fast… loses meaning



family guy and hunger team are my son’s 2 favorite shows

How old is your son?

I like FG, Futurama, sea lab, ATHF, trigun, cowboy bebop, and home movies.

my son is 8

ALL things are good on [adult swim] Inuyasha is awesome as well as family guy and ATHF.

cartoons :rolleyes:

ive watched adult swim since the beginning. Best programming block on tv by far. Sealab, ATHF, and Family Guy are my 3 favorite shows. All the anime fucking blows though.

cowboy bebop is good, and FLCL is excellent. Trigun is hit or miss.

dunno. could never stand it long enough to figure out what the hell was going on.

like cutty and hetero sex?

