
What is wrong with cartoon network…there is a sound of horrible explosive diarea/fatring comeing from that channel. I am not even joking, like every 2 seconds it sounds like somebody is unloading in their pants :wtf:

why are you watching cartoon channel in the first place?

because I like anime and the show they are playing right now.

Adult Swim. Shows really good stuf late at night. I dont really like the anime, but the comedy that they have is great.

:word: Family Guy ftw

Yeah i still dont know wtf was with that last night. My dad came downstairs and heard it and was like “wtf are you watching”? …spooktacular.

yea adult swim is good stuff :tup:

I like that show samuri Shampoo…its badass.

pfff Futurama FTW

robot chicken is the best cartoon…


AQHF and I need new episodes of Harvey Birdman!!!

I would imagine the noises were caused by something Adelphia was doing, such as an update or God only knows what else. Digital cable box?

Aqua Teen rules.

OMG ATHF is soooo awsome…I can talk so I sound just like meatwad wooot! oh yeah…skillz lol.

Meatwad > *

It was april fools day. THey added fart sounds…


Last year, they had all the cartoons redrawn/edited with mustaches for April Fools

ahhh ic ic…well wtf that was fucking gay. they ruined a new episode of Full Metal Alchemist for that?

ATHF, Harvey Birdman, SeaLab2021, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, BoonDocks FTW