Been researching this for the past couple weeks or so and I’m getting more and more interested in creating a website(s) and joining some affiliate programs as an additional income for myself. I have a few websites in mind that would be interesting to join up with and have the potential,(if a significant amount of traffic is brought to them) that could make a good amount of money.
Anyone here part of any programs like this or into internet marketing? If so, how have you been doing and would this be a good thing to eventually do full time?
Yea I have some ideas for different websites as well as ways to attract traffic. Whether it would work out to be a good source of income is luck of the draw i suppose. LZ, I’ll check out that website when I get home as I just got back to work from lunch.
I did it for a few months, but without any form of legitimacy. I had accounts with:
Hydra Network
Google Adwords
Anyways, all I did was create a webpage with banners that affiliate linked to a survey or something small. Ads that didn’t require a purchase was key… and I only ran one campaign through each network so it didn’t attract too much attention. Next I’d use a proxy service or a setting in my browser to get a new IP address. Then trace the IP to find out your location- find the zipcode, a valid address in that area etc. Sign up with a new email account with that information. Finally, click on the ads to your own browser and complete the surveys or w/e. After I completed all 4 or 5, I’d do it again.
I’d then spend some time just randomly clicking on the links as the ratio of clicks per completions is usually less than 10%. Mine were around 10% after the erroneous clicking.
I was making around $100 a day with about 1.5 hrs of work. After a month or two I ran out of proxy services/addresses to use and just quit before I got caught. Actually, one of the ad companies did catch on, and then cancelled my last payment which was for around $400. It was just an easy system to game at that time.
To do it and succeed, it requires WAY too much commitment. The returns are marginal for the amount of time you give. :shrug: