Affordable Helmet cam check this out.

So i was at a horse show that my wife was working at watching the cross country. And i see this guy run the course, and when he is done he grabs a small device on his hip and starts watching it.

Well i went over to check it out and it was a mini DVR which he had hooked up to a TINY helmet cam. I mean not like a cigarete cam i mean small.

I was like damn thats pretty nifty I wonder where he got the parts to set that up.

So i go over and start chattign with him about it. Come to find out its a complete system you can buy as a set comes with the mini DVR, camera and power pack. And even cooler, the complete system is like $450! The only other system i’ve heard of thats even close to that is the Panasonic sport cam which uses a viosport size cam and is like 600 bones.

So then it gets better, this guy is the Creator of the system. So i chatted him up and he is willing to do a group buy.

Here is the link to his system.

The DVR is a SD card reader which can take up to 512mb cards, which gives you about an hour of record time. The video is pretty good quality for the size of the cam and system. He said the demo videos were compressed for hosting and the actual quality is better.

I think he will do the system for like $400 if i can get 5 other people besides me.

here are some pics from the site

He said usually the camera is mounted in helmet but he can make the cables any length for car guys who just want to make a static mount.

This is a link to some demo footage

the on- Horse video is pretty damn cool and so is the ski racing.

Check it out, I plan to get one this would be rocking for auto X

Oh yea this guy went to RIT for Mech E there is a video on there of the SAE car.

Post up here if your interested

Damn, the quality of video isn’t bad at all too

damn lol

i know right?

And the demos are compressed.

I expected the video to be shitty for the size of the camera

I almost bought the panasonic one day and now im glad i didnt

I see it working for a couple auto-X runs but not 30 minute track sessions.

well with a 512 sd card you can get up to an hour of video

that’s pretty sweet…i may be down

I need full-quality samples. I’m not buying anything based upon the videos I looked at.

I like the DVR setup, but the resolution is not up to what I would like. (I like to be able to burn my videos to DVD. 320x240 won’t get me acceptable quality.)

For some reason I don’t think that will compare to the 20 + Gigs of video 1 hour of MDV tapes hold.