[UPDATED w/ video] Bought a $20 Helmet Cam.....


Very small unit, 720x480@30fps, FOV is very narrow 72deg. It is no GoPro, but it is like 20 bucks shipped and includes a 2GB Micro SD card…:rofl

I will let you guys know how well that works when I try it out…:lol

UPDATE: 05/20/10

So I tested this camera a bit to day. I ended up mounted it on the side of my visor, which worked pretty at low speed.

:lol in for vids

well worth 20 dollars even just to try it out

In for vids as well.

in for nude vids!


Kicklow you would.

Vids or ban :ninja

Thinking of a way to mount it on the helmet…

there is going to be little to no good way to mount it to the helmet, I’ve been there done that. The only thing that was semi-decent was the GoPro and that was because it was specifically designed to do so and had a solid mount to the camera from the helmet connection.

Don’t be surprised if you struggle, that’s why most people end up mounting their cameras on the bike.

To add to the issue of the helmet, it will take forever to align it properly as your helmet tends to face down as you’re riding normal and on top of that the footage get’s funny since your head moves around a lot to look around.

Here is an example of what I’m talking about.

Even nearly straight up (which you won’t be on a sportbike) the helmet still tilts down.

So when you’re mounting the helmet as it sits on your table you actually have to mount it facing UP not straight. It’s wierd.

Here is a better example of how tilted it is

Well its got be mounted on my helmet as I am not going mess around mounting it peoples bikes. I think I’ve already got the tilt angle figured out, and it is even more aggressive than the second pict you show.

Have ya tried this out yet? I just made a Mount for the back peg of my bike for my mini hd cam so it faces backwards… Didnt cost me a time to make it and was very simple to think they want 100bucks for the same type of thing i made

What you suggested would be great on my bike!

…but I am not riding my bike, so it must be mounted on my helmet. I am still waiting for the cam, hope I have enough time to make it work…:rofl

So I tested this camera a bit to day. I ended up mounted it on the side of my visor, which worked pretty at low speed.

Watched the whole thing… you didnt get on it once… :frowning:

Anyways quality def looked decent. As far as wind noise, are you going to mount it behind the windscreen or maybe cover the mic with a bit of masking tape? Something like that.

EDIT: Also where did you buy it through? Im assuming some HK website

Yeah, the tape should help with the wind noise. It was getting late, I just wanted to test the angle a bit.

HobbyKing is the cheapest, $20 shipped and with a 2GB card.

Yeah i was hoping you would take a left onto the extension and get on it a little but still, the quality is superb for $20.

not bad for $20. How long does the battery last on it? and can you put a larger card in? I got the GoPro Hero not that long ago and from what i’ve heard, it chews through batteries and can only hold a 2gb card for now.

dude that’s awesome

the ‘wide’ can take 8gb cards and 4gb in each file

dang thats pretty sharp quality for $20.

Quality is actually really good for the price, I think. Do you have pics of it mounted on the helmet? It’s hard to tell from the quick glance into the rearview.