Shift518 GoPro Thread

Not sure if any of you have a GoPro or similar camera, but I just picked up a HD Hero2 the other day and have been messing around.

Here are my two videos.



I want a go pro so badly for my Mountain Bike!

When I plug mine in the red light flashes and it won’t turn on. SO PISSED! I’ll have to put up some skiing vids when I get the chance.

Just got the hd hero 2 yesterday. Can’t wait to mess around with it

Only reason I havent gotten one is I don’t have a computer. Just my IPad and I can’t upload to that

Good thread idea, I’ll be posting vids in here

I need to get one ASAP for my DRZ adventures.

I’ll see if I can dig up some old vids from 24 hours of Lemons or others.

:lol @ 24hrs of lemons.


I love this thread. I cant wait to pick up my hd hero 2!!!

I took these with my GoPro Hero 2

(just the on bike footage, first time using the gopro up close, dicked)



Im deff getting a go pro soon since i get a 15% discount were i work lol, foe people who already have them would an 8GB sd card be sufficient?

I’d go 16GB.

I did about an hour yesterday to compile the second video and I think I was at like 13GB.

Also, it depends on the settings. Mine were in 1080, 30fps, wide angle.

Don’t you dare laugh until I see you compete in it son :shifty


short video of my buddies 09 r/t coming home from class in buffalo.


I’ve got a 32 gig in mine and on the 720p setting I’d say you could get over 2 hours of filming easily.

Old vid 1


Old vid 2


I’m not sure how to interpret this post cause of the ninja face :lol. Then again, it’s 9:42 in the morning, I was late to work, just took a 5hr energy, and I’m still exhausted :lol.

Just for clarification…hahaha…I read it as 24hrs of lemons (the fruit)…because isn’t the actual word lemans? :crackup.

If you can get a 32gb card, they last about 2 hours, and the battery lasts about 2 hours so its probably the best combo.

I’m no video pro so my vids are basic but here’s a couple:
