Against Me/Cursive/Mastadon in Toronto

May 15th @ 6:30 at the Kool Haus.

I’m definately going. Just curious if anyone else was planning on it.

what a weird lineup

Cursive= I’m there.


I’ll go!!!

ohhh shit. i want in

i fucking love against me! and cursive, and have heard nothing but good things about mastadon… i saw cursive not to log ago at the icon, awesome show.

how much are tickets?

you fucking love against me!?? no, i do. i’m obsessed.

I pwn both of you in that regard.


I’m not sure of ticket cost. This is one of those shows where I’m going regardless.

NYSpeed meet anyone?


what a weird lineup



cursive is playing with mastodon?

I love shitty music as well. Can I go?

So who went? I DID.

I didn’t, because my work was lame and wouldn’t give me off.

How was the show?

I missed the first band, These Snakes Have Arms or some crap??

Cursive was really good, but the crowd was just not feeling it. No one was doing anything at all, not even a little dancing or head bobbing. I could tell a lot of people were there for either Against Me! or Mastadon. They played Art is Hard, Sierra, The Great Decay… eh I can’t remember. They played good songs.

[LEFT]Against Me! was bumpin’. Again, the crowd was a bit sluggish, but there was some back and forth movement. I did get headbutted by some 14 year old kid with long hair. That was great. There was a “pit”, which was like 5 kids beating the shit out of eachother. Eh. They started off with Pints Of Guinness Make You Strong. I can’t remember the order but they played The Politics of Starving, Reinventing Axl Rose, Turn Those Clapping Hands Into Angry Balled Fists, Cliche Guevara, Unprotected Sex With Multiple Partners, From Her Lips to God’s Ears, Don’t Lose Touch, and stuff. They were awesome, but somewhere towards the end of the set, the sound guy did something and it sounded like shit for about 5-10 minutes and made my ears kill.

A lot of people left after Against Me! There were still a lot of people who stuck around for Mastadon, but not nearly as close to the amount that left. I watched them play about 4 songs, and then left. I’ve never really listened to Mastadon because I thought they were some stupid metalcore band, but I guess I’m wrong. I could imagine that they sound better not live though, because they sounded like shit last night in my opinion. I don’t know if it was the building and the sound guy, or if it was them, but it just sounded muddy and sloppy.

By the way, my ticket was $42.50. I spent about 82 dollars last night, not including gas money. A bottle of water was 4! Ugh.

if they would have played dorthy at forty i would have danced alone.


By the way, my ticket was $42.50.


That sucks.

Didn’t shows like this used to be like $18?

cursive at the icon sunday night tickets are like $13.

i’ll be there afterthe bbq,anyone else?