Yay! Two more tickets!

He didn’t say anything about tint until I brought up the primary offense. So he went back to his car for almost 30 minutes looking for something to ticket me on and came back with tint. Measured it, and then disappeared for almost another 15 minutes. If he wanted to give me tint initially, I’m sure he would have gone back to his car (after I mentioned the primary thing) and came back soon after with both. He was trying to find something to save face on.

If I didn’t say anything, he would have given me a secondary ticket as if it was a primary offense. Also, if he knew his shit, he wouldn’t have acted so nervous/caught off guard by what I said.

That = him not knowing the law pertaining to texting. But seriously…if I have to pay $300, I’ll pay $300. Bound to happen at some point since I am rocking 30% tint which most cops could hassle me for on a daily basis but choose not to.