Yay! Two more tickets!

Every cop on the road is 110% familiar with the law better than you. He issued you a ticket for tint (primary) and text (secondary), sounds like he did his job just fine. What’s so hard to understand here?

He didn’t say anything about tint until I brought up the primary offense. So he went back to his car for almost 30 minutes looking for something to ticket me on and came back with tint. Measured it, and then disappeared for almost another 15 minutes. If he wanted to give me tint initially, I’m sure he would have gone back to his car (after I mentioned the primary thing) and came back soon after with both. He was trying to find something to save face on.

If I didn’t say anything, he would have given me a secondary ticket as if it was a primary offense. Also, if he knew his shit, he wouldn’t have acted so nervous/caught off guard by what I said.

That = him not knowing the law pertaining to texting. But seriously…if I have to pay $300, I’ll pay $300. Bound to happen at some point since I am rocking 30% tint which most cops could hassle me for on a daily basis but choose not to.

Whatever, he knows the law, it’s his job. He was going to let you off with a nice text ticket until you became a PITA so he said “eff it, here’s tint too.” You sure show him.

Reignoring Ilya for another week. Stupidity limit exceeded.

Sure he was. You can believe whatever you want :rofl. I’m pretty sure he had no idea about the primary offense thing. But whatever floats your boat man.

He knew your windows were tinted. As soon as you started babbling off he probably decided to have a little “fun” with you and your Maxima.

Hell, he was probably going to mention the tint ALSO until you fired up your internal lawbook.

Lesson here, be polite when your already in the wrong and you will be alot better off. Ive been nothing but compliant and nice to officers, even when I got clocked doing 96 in a 55. Being nice in that situation put me in a much better spot

Mouting off and playing the smart guy here is retarted. This will 100% lead to more tickets everytime



Talkin to a cop with respect is the best thing you can do. AMD had a trooper let him go doing 95 in a 55 on i90 racing stallmers old turbo hatch. Nick was just polite and said he was stupid for doing that and the cop agreed and let him go

And like others stated, do as LITTLE talking to police officers as possible, seeing how at any point in his investigation whatever you say can and WILL be used against you. By him asking you why he pulled you over he was looking for your admission of guilt, and he got it.

“A guilty man can’t talk himself out of justice, but an innocent man can talk himself into trouble.”

Ilya was probably reciting the hail mary while the cop was in his car getting the tickets ready




Been 100% compliant and respectful with every time that I’ve been pulled over, drove away with nothing 2-3 times, got a tint ticket dropped another time, and got a misdemeanor street racing ticket in which the undercover cop that pulled me over witnessed me go multiple times well over 100mph and once 130+ dropped to a $300 ticket.

^BTW for that one I had justttttt turned 17

I like my strategy better.

hail mary full of grace
the cop is behind me

For those who havent seen this video, and have the time to watch it, it is well worth the time imo.

Never seen this, am going to spend the next 48 minutes watching it :lol
+rep if I can give rep.

I have it playing in the background right now lol.

^plus one!!!

NEVER mouth off to a cop, even if he/she is 100% wrong. EVER! if you’d have kept ur mouth shut, he’d have just given a texting ticket. then u get a print out of ur phone record from ur provider. look at time of ticket, look at time on the record, no text time stamped there=bogus ticket! NEVER.MOUTH.OFF.TO.A.COP!

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