Ah the new summer girl song

kinda catchy, but nothing like 12yo girls singing this in the car with daddy

“this video is not available in your county” lol i fucking hate this place


god i love this song. it’s quite catchy. hahaha.

The song is catchy but its screaming to be remixed and that would sound really good.

oh god

that song sucks

much better… makes me want to kiss a girl just to try it

that remix is pretty good :gotme:

ok that remix is tits

I think this is the one time I wish I got rick rolled.

i hate that song i heard it like 3 months ago and thought it sucked then too.

FAGS…no wonder you’re brothers :stuck_out_tongue:

ehh i could end up liking it over time

i think its more effed up that this song is playing on all the kiss and poppy stations… if i had a daughter and she was singing this shit, id back hand the taste outa her mouth… still catchy though

Don’t hate the remix. Either way, w/e. Doesn’t sound incredibly different. If I wasn’t watching the video I would have just thought it was Pink or some shit.

2008 stripper anthem:gotme:

Lollipop is the stripper track of 2k8