AIM Chat.

as sailor said, its been a long time since we had a huge AIM chat room. So tonight i think we’ll bring it back from the dead.

Say like 10 ish? Post up your screenames if you’ll be on and around and ill send out the invite.

well, i might be… but i might be goin out tonight as well.

so maybe i’ll be back around 12-3am sometime in there and hopefully pretty drunk. that could make for some good convos


How about lets go to Mad Mex for a margarita instead!

not sure if the wifey removed aol or not, but if she didn’t. my name is fordssucks

im gonna be drinking all weekend at 7 springs. i can wait 1 more day

zexaccord98…there was a decent amount on last night

its thirsty thursday in washington but after 12ish ill be on… gsxtasy6


well, i might be… but i might be goin to bed as well. :smiley:


jaost28 might be working but will tune in

matrix tonight bitches cant do. but name is traydogg6969

not to sure if ill be on but name is dodgeneon4

I didn’t remove it… I just took it out of the start up menu… Go to Start -> Programs and open it… :ugh2:

this sounds so gay!


Can’t you just do the VB Chat… AIM is blocked at my work./…

no girls aloud

That’s it… I’m putting the other laptop on the outside network…


well i’m goin out tonight to a party… so i dont know when i’l be back