chat room!

what about a chat room for the board

everyoine just talks on im anyways why not have one for the board!:slight_smile:

had one no one used it!!so bye bye!!:smiley:

Originally posted by Pewterss
had one no one used it!!so bye bye!!:smiley:

:frowning: :frowning:
big jerk

Originally posted by 2FNFast
:frowning: :frowning:
big jerk

man u:crying: alot!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Pewterss
man u:crying: alot!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

im fucking bored!:smiley:

if we get one then you might be able to log in from work…

IM chats are fine.

we just usually start one over aim

since i always leave my aim on, i set up a chat room, just invite yourself to PittSpeed…could just do a chat that way

the problem for 2fnfast is he can get on to aim with the military firewall

Originally posted by slowcamaro
the problem for 2fnfast is he can get on to aim with the military firewall

oh well fuck it